Heres my list gleaned from opinion and written out of sunday boredom. Destinations are as safe as you make them imo, many of the biggest activity drawcards are opt in and so the risk is opt in also. Crime wise
Kruger park- safe, can fly all the way to the gate from any intl airport in Oz, rent a car from avis and spend 7 days in the park if thats your thing, its definitely mine. Lock doors near lions, they can open doors inadvertently.
Kalahari - Again very similar, distances are greater but the isolation is brilliant. Never felt unsafe
Spain - had an slr stolen in barcelona, always on guard there, low on the list for crime safety imo.
Iceland - Crime non existent, roads out of towns are iffy but worth the drive. 30hrs of flights to get there.
UK - underestimated, safer than most, Scotland is great, distance is a problem from oz.
North Africa- inc Morocco , Egypt, hassle of women partner became fatiguing. Small time ripoffs everywhere wear you down. not been since arab spring. Not going back in a hurry.
US- risk of heart disease and diabetes from all the food make this destination unsafe...
NZ - undervalued, good for a drive, sth island is an outdoor wonderland, but not sure how safe its best attractions are. Wilderness hikes, bungee and skydiving all have their risk which make them worthwhile.
Greece- use to be the lowest crime rates in Europe, I do believe this has likely changed unfortunately. Biggest danger is on the roads, little church-like models marking fatalities are on many tight and not so tight corners in the countryside
Italy- Food risks from overeating may put you in hospital, so much good food, roads arent worth it for the prang risk.
In Sth america - all depends, felt Argentina was safer than brazil. Dont expect much of a safety briefing before hangliding in Rio (" run really fast at the cliff, dont hold the bar or we will crash" )
Oz- not seen enough, biggest risks are to your wallet here imo.
It all depends Aldo, most places are still safe and a persons own behaviour remains the biggest factor in defining safety. The excitement of planning going OS often makes people more anxious about the destination which is normal, for me anyway. Plan for what you can and be sensible and pretty much anywhere is worth the visit. Even had a mate visit Nth Korea during Kim Jong Il's reign and he found it enjoyable in a weird way.
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