looking to fall, page-10

  1. SCD
    3,438 Posts.
    brunette-two is a sad thinker I have read this thread and agree with everyone who questions Brunette-two's thinking...iIt just doesn't make any sense relative to the announcements that have been made. The person either doesn't read the announcements properly or lacks serious analytical thinking abilities.

    My comments on PIL and the recent announcements are well-recorded so I won't repeat them except to say that "I sing from the same hym sheet" as all those who have responded to Brunette-two.

    PIL shareholding has NOT been diluted...NO new shares have been raised by the selling of 5m shares held by Trader HQ to Tanami Gold...it is clear that Trader HQ had to liquidate their holding (for whatever reasons be they personal or other) and Tanami was able to pick up these shares at a good price!

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