@wogarlb Last year I wrote to Adam Bandt seeking help for...

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    Last year I wrote to Adam Bandt seeking help for regional television. Somehow I am now on his mailing list.

    The campaign email set out below came in a couple of days ago.
    Names have been changed to protect the innocent.
    Hi xxxx,
    There’s something important I need you to know: The Greens are the only pathway to change.
    There is no longer any other path.

    I’ll explain why. You see, the Coalition is on the brink of losing majority government - which is why Morrison didn’t sack MPs who peddled vaccination myths or harassed women. He can’t afford to lose one single seat right now.
    There are also redistributions underway (as you may remember me saying) that will put the coalition into an even more perilous position at the next election. xxxx the psephology looks like they can’t win.


    But here’s the thing. Neither can Labor… by themselves.

    Labor would need an utterly extraordinary swing of over 3.8% to win majority government. The last time that happened was Kevin07. Remember that campaign? There were a lot of things that made it possible then, and none of them are happening now.

    Sadly for Labor, Albanese is not about to have a Kevin07.

    So that means the only way Labor can form government is if they share it.

    To win power, they will almost certainly need to form a minority parliament with the Greens. And to tackle the crises we’re facing - growing inequality and a climate emergency - we are going to have to work together. Labor simply can’t get it done alone, they need us.

    It’s like I said xxxx. The Greens are the only pathway to change!

    I’m writing to you about this today for a reason - to ask you to join the campaign to Keep Melbourne Green for the duration of the election campaign. Because the only pathway for us, is alongside you.


    As the only truly grassroots party, you know we’re supported entirely by individuals and not billionaires or big corporates. We’re only as strong as the many wonderful people who make up our movement.

    So in the end, that makes YOU the pathway to change in Australia.

    This shouldn't come as a surprise. It’s as it should be! Power should always be with the people it seeks to serve. Power should be with you, because - more than ever - your future depends on it.
    That’s why I’m writing to all our supporters at the beginning of this critical year, to ask you to join us now so we have the strength in numbers to put the power back where it belongs.

    Best of all, it won’t take a lot from you xxxx. Just a little... from everyone!

    When you chip in $4 each week for the length of the 2021 federal election campaign (from now until the election), we'll know we have the ongoing and reliable support we need to:
    1. target our messages to reach the most people with our plan,
    2. and the means to counter the Murdoch media when we have to.

    We know the other parties are going to outspend us - they’ve got billionaire donors and Murdoch’s media machine backing them. And when the Greens are the only thing standing in the Libs way, you can be sure they’re going to come after us.
    That’s ok, because we’re smarter - we’ve learned how to do a lot with a little.
    And we have something far more powerful on our side - we have you! An organised, informed, creative, resilient and passionate movement made up of people like you xxxx. Together we are the pathway to change.

    Let’s take back our future, shall we?
    Yours in the fight for change,

    Member for Melbourne
    P.S. xxxx the Labor party can’t do it alone. They need the Greens, and we need you. You are Australia’s only pathway to change. JOIN the campaign that changes everything!
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