Loonies on the March, page-52

  1. 84,006 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    yes, agree that we may be on other sides of the fence sometimes - and, that's why where we want a society

    as to the silence of the people over the decades ------------ it's one of the sure ways to stop democracy dead in it's tracks

    it's the job of people to make a hell of a racket in between elections - it's when you fight for your freedom and your democracy - you don't give your politicians bouquets, you don't give them pats on the back or kisses on the bum -

    you annoy the shit out of them -- that's our role - that's what a democracy is and how it's maintained

    there's two ways to stop that -

    1. restrict people from doing so

    2. people becoming quiet by choice -

    the 'silent' majority

    the 'silent' majority are the biggest threat to society ---------- they are the most complicit of all

    there's no place in a healthy democracy for a 'silence' ------

    the way it works is noisy - a hell of a noisy racket - the more noisy, the better

    little pissant people who went to universities for decades - keeping their little heads down, doing their little studies, smoking their little pot, drinking their little grog and screwing each other - but, saying diddly squat have done us no favors at all

    their job in life is to rise up - make a hell of a noise and alert people to -

    wait for it

    woke issues -------------- yes, woke issues ---------- injustices in society

    and, losses of freedom - it's the role of thinkers and it's the role of everyone who votes ------------ many have just forgotten that role or never knew it

    better wake before all is lost
    Last edited by pintohoo: 05/09/20
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