IHG intellect holdings limited

lord lazy - food for thought, page-11

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    re: lord lazy - food for thought** stelep7 wakey w dear brad,
    i dont think thats its proper that u infer that i do not do any research..it seems that u are geting hot under the collar for no obvious reason,i wonder why?

    "what a tangled web you weave,when you practice to decieve"

    below is a list of the posts i have made on IHG since i bought into it in mid dec. of 2004.

    once fully diluted i.e oppies and convertable notes IHG will have just over 1.5 bilion shares on issue...what do u guys think of this.its a bit unsettling for me...having been over the rights information quite a few times i am still intrigued as to y the sophisticated investors r prepared to get into this.out of the 4 phases that the compnay has proposed to do it has achived 3 so far with the rights issue the last step.now that has been voted on..i suppose we will have to wait and see how many apply for them..not that it makes any differance as the rights r fully under written.

    even tho the general reading suggest that the banks will be paying .05 that is only for ING bank for thier 25 odd million ABN AMRO will be getting approx. 120 million shares[undiluted] at an av. of about .038 but then again the banks will get security over the compnaies assets as well...while the creditors will be getting theirs at .05..not that they will hand over cash for them..but in lieu of some of the debt.

    the sophisticate investors once the notes and oppies r converted will have paid $18,900,000 for their 651,000,000 shares which works out to an avg. of .029..they have also come to an agreement to buy ING's shares[.05 within 1st yr,.06 within 2yrs]...i have found out that a couple of the sophisticated investors have links to each other via directors..make of that what u will.

    Sabatica pty ltd a sub. of GPG is curently the largest holder with 54 million approx. will end up with 215,000,000 shares approx. or about 18% of IHG...Utilico one of the other sophisticated investors will end up with approx. 212,000,000 16.9%...i assume that the remainder of the 651,000,000 will be spilt among the other 2 or 3 other sophisticated investors....then what is left is the 389,834,657 shares that will made avaiable to the public...... this is the break down of what i jsut said

    existing shares 278,264,657 @ currant market price .036 31 /12 /04
    ING 25,660,000 @ .05 $ 1,283,000

    ABN AMRO 52,340,000 @ .05 $ 2,617,000
    68,000,000 @ .025 $ 1,700,000 these r from the rights issue and r garrantted

    creditors 75,000,000 @ .05 $ 3,750,000

    sophisticated invst.-
    240,000,000 @ .03125 $7,500,000 convertible notes
    336,000,000 @ .025 $8,400,000 rights issue from convertible notes
    60,000,000 @ .04 $2,400,000 to convert oppies by 2009
    15,000,000 @ .04 $600,000 to convert oppies by 2009
    AVG. OF ABOVE 4 LINES IS .029 cents

    new shares
    to currant holders 389,570,000 @ .025 $9,739,250 from rights issue
    1,539,834,657 FULLY DILUTED

    as far as i am aware none of the top20 share holders have bailed apart from the notice on the 25 /11 /04 and then that holder only bailed approx. 7 million of the 18million odd that they hold so currantly their position on the rankings stays the same...we should also note that the top20 shareholders arent just anybodies they include subsiduries of citi corp, westpac,NAB,ANZ and sabatica pty ltd[a GPG sub.]
    currantly of the 278,264,657 that r on issue the top 20 holders hold 190,460,356 leaving under 100,000,000 to be readily traded..[and i'm not saying that the top 20 holders dont trade any of their stock].since the rights issue was announced we have seen approx. 20 to 30 million traded...what this means i'm not sure,could it be mugs panicing and bailing or someone trying to get the price down in order to get their average down...i cant see it being any of the sophisticated investors as they r gurrantted their share of the lot,so maybe it is panic selling and spec. buying?

    in regards to the recent trading over the last mnth or so we have seen the price drop to a low of .027 and then go as high as .047 in the last week of dec...we know that the record date is the 6 /01 /05,so until the 6th people will be trying to get the price down as low as possible in order to get the rights @.025 + share price paid as low as they can...after the 6th the only way to get the rights is thru buying IHGR up until the 17th of jan.now depending on how badly the general public wants to get the rights we will see what they r willing to pay...for e.g if the rights trade for an avg. of .02 then the holders will be paying .02 + .025[rights price] in order to get into IHG....now unless we see heavy volume selling in either IHG or IHGR after the 6th we could safely say that the sophisticated investors would still be in[as we know they hold the majority of the rights]....sorry just remembered that the banks and the sophisticated investors have thier shares in escrow for at least 6mnths

    having said all of the above and seeing the compnay has achived it's set tasks to date in regards to the restructuring i dare say that it will all be pointless unless they can achive the revenues that r required to keep the company a going concern,which brings me to the point as to why the big boys r going anywhere near this compnay.i can only assume that they have crunched thier numbers alot better than i or any other mug have.after all these r large investment firms that we are talking about who r about to take a large % stake in IHG...maybe they can see the potentail..the question now is,can we?

    we got in at .031 for the first time early last week for a couple of hundred thousand shares more on pot luck than anything else....and if we take up the rights our avg. will be .027 so for know i can live comfortably with that position...and as the market is forever a changing place so to will be or view and position.

    Subject re: ihg goose or golden egg
    Posted 03/01/05 4:29:36 PM - 107 reads
    Posted by stelep7
    Post #472926 - in reply to msg. #472872 - splitview

    its always a bummer when a trade goes the other way of expectations...just scouring the net looking for info regading any IHG products..its amazing that things could have gone so wrong for them when they had the amount of work booked up.apart from the obvious inapt accountablity of the managment and staff...which has now been swept out to create 40% p/a in savings..it seems that the company was getting to way ahead of itself in its day to day running of its business,in regards that it was getting orders from around the world but was not making sure that the appropriate infrustructures and certifications were in place for its products.it seems that this issue in itself is now being rectifed with many countries around the world conforming with or in the final stages of conforming with this new EMV protocol....if u do a google search on EMV products there is plenty there to read up on...i think one of the most exciting markets that IHG will be looking at is that of China...it already has its foot in the door having an alliance with shpte[Shanghai Posts &Telecommunications Equipment Co Ltd] http://www.google.com.au/search?q=cache:O8WIy71IrwIJ:neasia.nikkeibp.com/wcs/frm/nea/200401/coau_283407.html+shpte+intellect&hl=en and more so that the chineese govt. is commited to developing and moving to EMV standards...none the less we should also keep in mind that IHG is one of many companies that produce this product...so it is a competitive enviroment.

    Subject re: ihg goose or golden egg (you're insulting gees
    Posted 04/01/05 1:18:44 AM - 75 reads
    Posted by stelep7
    Post #473155 - in reply to msg. #473151 - splitview

    gday,a stock is a stock..not there to fall in love with it..thankfully its above what we paid for it...and after reading what i have about it over the past week or so..i feel that the risk/reward from our entry is worth the hold.

    in regards to pendulum,i have been trying to find out about them on the net but as they dont have a website[none that i could find]there's not much i know about them apart from the fact that they are based in perth.as far as i can tell they r the ones leading the consortium of sophisticated investors in the restructuring,of which sabatica pty ltd[the GPG sub.] is part of.now sabatica is the only name that has any existing ties with IHG,being its largest shareholder,the rest of the money comming in is all new...as to wether that means anything i am not sure,but by the looks of it these investors are prepared to channel approx. $19,000,000 into this deal[thats fully diluted] at an avg. of .029....i'm at home now and my notes on the top sophistictaed investors r at work,but i can remember that they are not ur fly by-niters...if u like i can have a look in the morning and let u know what i have.... and since our avg. if we take up the rights issue will be .0275 i am quite willing to sit there for now..cheers

    Subject re: ihgr
    Posted 04/01/05 3:45:51 PM - 90 reads
    Posted by stelep7
    Post #473860 - in reply to msg. #473830 - splitview

    IHGR started trading on the 30/12/04 as yet there have been no trades...and i wont think that there will be any until after the record date of 06/01/05...as there is no need to...one can buy fpo's ...IHGR stops trading on the 17/01/05...imo people will try and force the fpo's as low as they can until the 6th in order to get the best possible deal for the rights issue...ihg is down today but on lte volume


    Subject re: anyone??
    Posted 11/01/05 3:42:36 PM - 111 reads
    Posted by stelep7
    Post #480754 - in reply to msg. #480715 - splitview

    spoke to comptuershare today..they were posted out yesterday...thier number is 1300557010 if u want to confirm ur holdings and how many rights u r entitled to...they can be traded now if u like.

    so far the trading is comming along as i had thought it would...no massive dumping of the ihgr which may have been the case if people were getting nervous about this.after all there r 389 million out there.fortuantley we ahve only recently bought igh and with the rights our entry price is .0275 so for the time being we r prepared to wait and see.if u do a google on any of the 5 sophisticated investors u will see that they r not fly-by nighters but rather investment funds with good track records...hoping that thier record transpires into thier ihg investment.i'm not 100% sure but i dont think that these guys can trade there rights issue shares as they r in escrow for at least 6mnths[check ann.]..so i dare say that the trading that we r see in ihgr atm is ur run of teh mill mug traders....i suppose it will all boil down to if ihg can produce revenue,..cheers


    Subject re: give it a break!
    Posted 13/01/05 6:57:26 PM - 60 reads
    Posted by stelep7
    Post #483587 - in reply to msg. #483541 - splitview

    gday roamer...do u have any thoughts as to y the 5 sophisticated investors and ING bank and ABN AMRO bank would be going anywhere near ihg if they didnt feel that this would have a chance of making a company turn around..after all the 5 investors have already loaned ihg $7.5 million with the right to purchase another 336 million shares at .025...if they take up the rights issue thats another 15,900,000 dollars then there's the oppies at .04 cents for another $3,000,000 for a total of $26,400,000 and 44% of the issued shares[fully diluted]...of course the rights and oppies dont have to be taken up but still $7.5 million is a good whack.

    your views and others welcome


    Subject re: give it a break!
    Posted 13/01/05 7:58:19 PM - 55 reads
    Posted by stelep7
    Post #483621 - in reply to msg. #483593 - splitview

    yes..i have thought of the tax angle as well..as ihg have at least $46 million in accumilated losses...but i'm stumped as to how they could be useful to anyone unless they buy the company

    i have done a bit of research on the 5 sophistictated investors and they all seem to be reptuable.and in one way or another they r all linked to each other..i wonder if this has any bearing.....from what i can gather from my research utilico for one has on occasions bought into a compnay,got one of its guys on the board,built the company up and then sold its share and existed...i wonder if the same may apply in this instance...it will be intersting to see if any of the 5 sophisticated investors get one of their own on the ihg board after the rights issue has been finalised.



    Subject re: rumour... unsubstantiated
    Posted 19/01/05 11:30:17 AM - 181 reads
    Posted by stelep7
    Post #93795 - in reply to msg. #93783 - splitview

    did a quick search last nite on intellect europe...found a crowd in the u.k with that name,couldnt find any info on them...dont think they have anything to do with IHG tho.

    i dare say that there would be a lot of stale bulls in this stock who wold want to see the price go up in order to get out..which is fair enough.but we should also note that there would also be new money in this stock with people who have got set at or near the lows,and who r prepeared to wait it out for at least a couple of qrts.

    of the ihgr trading,with approx. 6-7% of the rights being traded from the 6th-17th...which isnt much, one would have to think that either people were going to take up the offer or let them lapse...even if one didnt want to take up the offer why let them lapse when they could have made a buck for nothing...which leads me to believe that there would have been a lot heavier trading in IHGR if the rights were getting dumped.

    good to see that ihg has gone up over the last couple of days..but its a bit to fast for my liking and i wouldnt be surprised to see a pull back of some sort...perhaps to gap fill...and for those wishing to enter a trade that could be a good time to have a look...now dont forget that if any of the 5 sophisticated investors wanted to get rid of the rights they would have had to do it between the 6th and the 17th to make a quick pittance...which really wouldnt have been worth the effort considering how much they have put in...and now that the rights have stopped trading they can convert to shares or still leave lapse.once the rights r converted,there is at least a 6 mnths escrow period.

    still this is a spec stock and should be treated as such



    Subject re: rumour...
    Posted 20/01/05 6:37:37 PM - 134 reads
    Posted by stelep7
    Post #93998 - in reply to msg. #93987 - splitview

    gday roamer,
    i'd be interested to know as to were u got this info from regarding suppliers/contractors recieving this letter.as far as i am aware the matter relating to IHG creditors was taken care of in nov. dec. with a court order,were by the major creditors of IHG agreed to take part payment of monies owing via. shares,that being the 75,000,000 that are to be issued after the rights issue.if u look at the company ann. u'll see that because the major creidtors accpeted these terms the court order stated that minor creditors had to follow suit as well.

    can u please clarify as to wether the name " intellect europe" is the proper name?i have just spoken to pattersons and they are not aware of any such actions.and ahve told me that they have not heard of " intellect europe"



    Subject re: rumour...
    Posted 20/01/05 10:54:08 PM - 110 reads
    Posted by stelep7
    Post #94067 - in reply to msg. #94008 - splitview

    gday roamer,
    i have just read over the last annual report,what i have found was that intellect did give a break down of what was happening in each region e.g asia europe australia etc....but more so from the point of breaking things down to make it easier to understand what was happening in each region...i cant see anywere were each region operates as a seperate entity,making it hard to believe that a particular region i.e intellect europe has gone in adminerstration.perhaps what u r reffering to was the court order that prevented creditors from chasing IHG for monies owed...this was released late last yr were by the major creditors of IHG agreed to take shares in the compnay 75,000,000 as part payment of monies owing...these shares were isssued on a face value of .05 cents per share...the whole thing of the court order was to indeed prevent adminerstrators being appointed.

    in regards to joss haag being appointed as adminerstrator...which i know is just ur opinion[and nothing wrong with that]...is that haag is the chairman and temporay ceo and has been with the company since 1999...therefore he couldnt be employed by ihg as he already works for them.

    again it would be appreciated to learn from were u heard this rumour?...as i said the thing about suppliers chasing thier money has already been taken care of late last yr.and was part of the restructuring deal



    Subject re: rumour...
    Posted 21/01/05 3:01:47 AM - 99 reads
    Posted by stelep7
    Post #94076 - in reply to msg. #94067 - splitview

    gday roamer,
    thanx for ur opinion on what is going on..muchly appreciated..i'll keep tjis short as its way past bed time...i wouldnt say i have to much money tied up in ihg as stated in previous posts we only got into ihg last month and with the rights have 400k of shares at .0275 entry.being a dead issue...it may be for you..thats o.k thats up to u ....but i have my money in this and like to thouroghly research a compnay when i get into it...focusing on ASX released and other substantiated items...but i do appreciate ur feed back...and hope that u are able to exit the trade above ur entry price........if u dont mind me asking,what was that entry price?......cheers


    Subject ihg...one to watch
    Posted 02/02/05 7:26:39 PM - 198 reads
    Posted by stelep7
    Post #95406 - in reply to msg. #95278 - splitview

    g'day balmersdog,
    i called computershare yesterday to ask about the IHGN,i was told that they were not offically recognised...but it was up to individual brokerages to have a market for them...what ever that means:).

    chart wise IHG is looking ok,quite happy with todays action..came down to close the gap at .032 and closed on its highs.i would prefer that it stays around these prices for the rest of the week so that it doesnt move to far away from its 34 day moving avg. a .035 to .038 close for the week would be suffice for me.to much more and one would expect a pull back.

    the thing that drew us to IHG was why these sophisticated investors were prepared to invest their money in the company,apart from sabatica pty ltd the remaining 4 sophisticated are all new money.they were entitled to the rights issue thru the convertible notes that they took over the company which entitled them to 336 miilion shares at .025...the thing is it wont be these guys selling their shares[IHGN] over the last few days as they are in escrow for at least 6 mnths.incedently IHGN has traded approx. 16 miilion shares so far...a very small amount considering there r 725 million on issue.even tho 78% was taken up the lead under writter has agreed to under write the whole lot.i notice that the majority of the IHGN trades were x-trades...perhaps pattersons selling to its clients.if u have a read thru my recent posts on IHG u will see that i have calculated that the sophisticated investors have an average buy in price of .02877 cents thats fully diluted including options and converting their convertible notes to shares...so if one was able to get in at around these prices this stock is worth the punt...as stated in my previous posts our average buy in price including the rights is .028....so for now we r still in

    also worth considering is something good surely must be comming up if the banks and major creditors r prepared to take stock in the company in lieu of cash at this point.

    i emailed the company over the week end and got a reply today...basicly all they said was that they couldnt tell me anything for corporate governace reasons and that they usually released thier half yrly report towards the end of feb.....if they can achive what the say in thier recent announcments interesting times lay ahead....cheers


    Subject is the goose strating to lay the golden egg?
    Posted 11/02/05 6:27:42 PM - 96 reads
    Posted by stelep7
    Post #96328 - in reply to msg. #96317 - splitview

    g'day guys...this weekIHG has eclipsed its all time weekly volume by tradeing approx. 59 million shares for the week almost twice as many shares traded as the previous highest volume week of march 2000 but also remember there r now mnay more shares on issue as there were back then.for the mnth of feb. ihg has so far traded 73 million...far out numbering any previous mnthly high...again more shares on issue now.

    from a daily chart perspective the price has moved fast and we have the 34 dma at .033 so we could ex[ect teh price to gravitate back towards there[theoreticly anyway].on the daily chart we have the cup formed of a cup and handle formation...i wouldnt like the price to go lower than .038/9 in order to keep this formation active.on a weekly chart the 34dma is at .059...so i think that we shouldnt have to much trouble reaching that...not saying that it will go striaght there,but it should be achivable in the near term.beyond that we should have resistance at .097 and then .135...the time line for that i'm not sure of.

    daily indicators i.e MACD,RSI,STOCH are heading towards the overbought levels,but not quite tho,so it wouldnt surprise me to see more upside mon.,with retrace during the middle of next week.weekly indicator wise things have only just started to get going so there is plenty of upside in the price in the med. to long term[SO FAR]..have a look at the mnthly MACD..its just about to go positive from below zero on a cross over.

    atm we r still holding,and will asses each day as it comes.when i emailed the compnay the other week all they would say was that they usually released their half yrly results towards the end of FEB....maybe people r buying up leading into that release...lets hope its teh right people doing it...also remeber taht teh sophisticated investors have their share in escrow for 6 mnths.

    ok thats about it....remeber this is a spec.and unless the compnay can come up with the results ...its worthless....cheers


    Subject re: stock likely to move up,sellers appear exauste
    Posted 17/02/05 5:20:50 PM - 72 reads
    Posted by stelep7
    Post #515919 - in reply to msg. #515175 - splitview

    g'day,this is the email i sent to IHG at the end of jan.and the response i got.so hopefully they will release a report towards the end of feb...we shall wait and see....chart wise i am happy the way IHG is travelling atm...fairly tight ranges which should hopefully keep the punters away....cheers for now

    Dear Mr xxxx

    Thank you for your email and your questions regarding Intellect. Unfortunately I am only able to answer your query in the following way:

    The Company will usually announce half year results toward the end of February, along with a summary of business to date, which may answer many of your questions. However, in accordance with the ASX principles of Good Corporate Governance, a continuous disclosure regime operates within the Company. Company announcements, annual reports, notices of meetings, financial results and other information useful to investors are posted on the Company’s website as soon as practical after release to the ASX.

    As a public company, we are not allowed to communicate any additional information on price sensitive issues to private shareholders. Consequently, we advise that you follow our public announcements either via the ASX website, www.asx.com.au, or through Intellect’s Newsroom, www.intellect-international.com/Newsroom/Press_releases.asp.

    We appreciate your concerns and will make sure that any information will be published timely under our continuous disclosure obligations.

    Kind Regards,

    Ainsley C. Ward
    Marketing Communications Manager

    Leuvensesteenweg 540, PO Box 5
    1930 Zaventem – Belgium
    Tel: +32 2 722.87.11
    Dir: +32 2 722.87.68
    Mob: +32 474 80.63.45

    Sent: zondag 30 januari 2005 11:50
    To: Patricia Hordijk
    Subject: Re: question from shareholder

    Dear Sir/Maddam,

    I am writting to you as a shareholder of IHG with some questions regarding the compnay,if you could,would you please answer these and respond as soon as possible.

    -Now that certification has been obtained in France,how are the prospects of new contracts progressing?

    -Also in regards to certification and penitration in other regions namley Asia,Russia,South America,China and South Africa..how is this progressing,and can IHG confidently say that it will have new contracts in these markets in the 3rd and 4th quarters of the currant financial year because of discussions being currantly held?..particulary in regards to EMV products

    -what has been the response from SHPTE in China in regards to the promotion and sale of PRESTO 210p or any other of IHG's products?

    -what is the progress of IHG's currant order book,is it on budget and schedule,and is IHG confident that it will be able to deliver these contracts?

    -what is the status in regards to the appointment of the new CEO,is the compnay in discussions with anyone at the moment?

    -does IHG have funds set aside for R&D?...if so how much?

    -are facilities available and in place in case currant or new customers require financing of products in order to get contracts?

    -has anybody that IHG has any type of agreements with given notice to IHG that they intend to terminate those agreements because of the new rights issue?

    -what will the market capitalisation of the company be after the rights issue?

    I would like to thank you for your time and look forward to your earliest response


    ..i wonder why they answered my email?..

    Subject directors buying
    Posted 21/02/05 7:18:35 PM - 116 reads
    Posted by stelep7
    Post #519188 - start of thread - splitview

    i see we had an ann. after close today saying that the ceo added 1,000,000 shares to his holdings on the 8th of feb.
    i'm a bit puzzled as it says in the ann. that his previous holdings were 2 million then he buys 1,000,000 at .025...so i assume they were not on market trades,then further down it says his holdings after the 1,000,000 is 5,188,835 which is also the same amount as the other director hendeson.it doesnt make sense to me...i suppose as long as they are buying


    Subject re: directors buying
    Posted 21/02/05 7:28:36 PM - 110 reads
    Posted by stelep7
    Post #519204 - in reply to msg. #519191 - splitview

    g'day saber,
    its strange,i have the recent prospetus for the rights issue...and on page 51 it says "the directors do not have any interests in options issued by the company"...yet the ann says something about exersie of options..i think..i dont have it open atm.

    also as at teh date of the prospectus 17/12/04 the only director holding shares was the ceo j.e haag with 2 million...then in todays ann. he holds[i assume indirectly] 5,188,835 as does henderson,who previously held none...the only option i was able to find,that were issued to employees were 750,000 with an exercsie price of .38 cents...


    Subject re: directors buying
    Posted 22/02/05 12:54:15 AM - 79 reads
    Posted by stelep7
    Post #519456 - in reply to msg. #519363 - splitview

    thanx for ur opinion saber,but i cant seem to recall any company were substantial holders bail or add to their postions without notices being issued...perhaps u could refresh our minds?...as for selling thier terminals to cheap,i cant seem to find taht in any asx ann.i've read about not getting contracts finished on time,i've read about not geting compatibilty to particular country specifications,but i've never read about selling terminals to cheap.....one thing i will agree on and that it is a spec stock and should be treated as such:).....
    and for u lerroy i've stated on teh thread as to what price i am in at....no lose here m8


    Subject re: hmmm - saxien explain
    Posted 22/02/05 2:10:45 PM - 149 reads
    Posted by stelep7
    Post #520218 - in reply to msg. #520087 - splitview

    so all that todays ann. is saying is that another of the sophisticated investors has taken up their rights issue.so far GPG via sabatica pty ltd,utilico investments and stocks convertible trust have given substantialholders notices...leaving pendulum investments pty[the ones who organised all this] and finmedia ltd to ann.if u look through my prvious posts i have expalined a bit about them,imo from the research i have done all of the sophisticated investors r conected in one form or another.....which leads me to the view that even tho they dont officially hold a controlling portion of the shares as individual entities,as a group they control more than the required 20% and from my calculations once the convertible notes and options r converted the sophisticated investors will hold[control] about 44% of IHG ...all this info is in the ann's made in nov 04...which has been why i have been interested in IHG recently.....why r these guys taking such a risk?..in my opinion these guys arent dont so cos of gut feelings,but more so because of what they know.

    sabatica pty ptd being the only one of the sophisticated investors who already held sahres in IHG have an average price north of .10 cents and i think from memeory may be up around .25 cents as their avg. price.....sorry just remembered...previous to teh rights issue sabatica's avg. price was .25 cents with tehr ights issue it brings it down to about .13 cents,still a fair way off where it is now ......the other sophisticated investors are all new 'blood',and therefore luckliy for them are getting in at rock bottom.i've calculated that once they convert their notes and excersie their options[if they choose to do so at .04 cents in 5yrs] their avg. entry for the new sophisticated investors will be .02877 cents.

    now remember that the shares that these sophisticated investors have taken up are in escrow for 6 mnths,and agian after that period why would they want to get out if the price is hovering around these levels.i'd be wanting a lot better rewards then where the price is atm.....as stated in a recent post from someone else the high vol. over teh last week or so could ahve been the underwriters getting rid of exccess stock....and even then there were a lot of x-trades going on....chart wise as ;ong as .038 can hold i will be happy for now.

    as always tis is a spec stock and should be treated as such.....cheers


    ok there is a group of posts that people can have a read of....could we all please stick to talking about the company and not attcking individuals...cheers
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