lord monckton claims victory over climate chan, page-4

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    I guess the obvious anxiety is more related to the last stages of the unwinding of the AGW hoax...

    The AGW emperor has no clothes and any who dares to publicly say so much be immediately discredited and denigrated by the AGW propagandists and fervent cult followers lest the unravelling proceeds faster and turns into a flood...

    It does seem that Lord Monkton has exposed one of the many disconnects between the splashy leftist-agenda-pushing media rushing to announce in 24 hours-a-day drumbeat style, the next inevitable milestone to the coming apocalypse, while the facts of the matter are much more of a "well, dont know, just a guess" yawn...

    Those committed to the AGW cause and the associated social engineering of course trumpet the headlines announcing the coming apocalypse in order to drive the panicked lemmings faster, while Lord Monkton offers the perspective of sanity and so must be destroyed and denigrated in the manner of the old Soviet-era Lysenkoism that the AGW hoax seems to be based on.

    An interesting study of the physcology of an induced "madness of crowds and lemmings" by attemtping to create a media-driven climate of apocalyptic fear fed by pseudo science...

    However the associated onging attacks on our children to instill an existential fear of the coming climate apocalypse into them by brainwashing them with pseudo-science dressed up as fact is irresponsible and bordering on criminality...

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