Love and compassion, page-616

  1. 6,756 Posts.
    There is nothing as seductive as the sound of your own voice.

    Preachers and religious experts are egomaniacs, psychopaths, conmen and women and not one of them can survive the onset of self over time. Even members of religious, governing bodies need to be turned over regularly so as not to begin imagining they have a calling, or are divinely inspired. They may couch their language to express fake humility and of course there is a theatrical way of appearing spiritual, or to project the wrath or an unequivocal deliverance of the mind of God, but it is all make-believe.

    Just look at how many failed entertainers become preachers.

    They dress differently, grow great beards, wear silly hats, move their hands in funny ways which is supposed to mean something, turn tap water into holy water, bless people, kiss statues, light candles, many don't work because speaking to God for the benefit of humanity is a full time job. We are a sick and sorry animal in many cases, religious madness is almost without limit.

    Coronavirus is a pussy compared to the damage religion is causing us in 2020.

    I tend to think there is something real at the core of religion, but I see no way of ever finding it.
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