Probably too kind a term for these inhuman, inhumane animals for...

  1. 7,728 Posts.
    Probably too kind a term for these inhuman, inhumane animals for the systematic cruelty of their children.

    What mother or father...or any human being...starves their kids to almost death on a handful of chips, noodles and dog food...

    ..Makes them stand all day every day and night against the wall with hands on heads

    ...Beats and chokes them if they dare complain about their treatment.

    ...Forces them to vomit up any extra scraps they find in desperation.

    Jail is too good for them...
    From Adelaide,
    WOMAN who masterminded a cruel regime of starvation "beyond comprehension" and fuelled by jealousy has been jailed for 10 years.

    Today, the Supreme Court jailed Tania Marie Staker, 36, for her role in the neglect of five children at a northern suburbs house between February and June 2008.

    Three men - the children's father Luke Armistead, 38, Michael Quinlivan, 27, and Robert Armistead, 41 - were each sentenced to nine years in prison.

    In sentencing, Justice Kevin Duggan said each of the adults had inflicted a daily routine of punishment "beyond comprehension" on the five siblings.

    "It reached a point where the children were made to stand against a wall without moving ... they were made to stand in the same position from morning until night."

    Each of the children were beaten, starved, choked and fed only the scraps left over after the other 21 children in the house had eaten a share of hot chips or noodles.

    "The adults were vigilant to ensure that they were prevented from eating more."

    Justice Duggan said the cruelty came unstuck only because a crisis arose.

    The squalid house was investigated when a five-year-old boy collapsed and was taken to the Lyell McEwin Hospital suffering severe hypothermia.

    Each of the children had other injuries, scabies and suffered malnutrition.

    Justice Duggan said Staker played a more significant role in the regime because of her jealousy of Luke Armistead's former relationship with the children's mother.

    "You said that you came to hate (the children's mother) and the children while they were living with you," he said.

    Justice Duggan told Staker children's mother "was not far behind your culpability".

    "For some reason she was prepared to inflict suffering on her own children."

    He said Luke Armistead had not been seen to be as active in the treatment of the children, compared to other members of the northern suburbs household.

    He said it would not be difficult to imagine the children - who were at the time aged between 4 and 7 - would suffer psychological harm into the future.

    The children had come to SA from Geelong, Victoria, where local media had dubbed their home the "house of horrors".

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