BTA 0.00% 57.0¢ biota holdings limited

low volume - bots taking over, page-4

  1. 762 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 18

    Not that I want to commence an endless debate, but ...

    If you look at the data below you will notice that higher price transactions are usually small quantities, lower price transactions are larger quantities.

    Patient accumulation and impatient selling. I haven't started yet, but I reckon that it is now time to start buying again.

    03:03:53 PM 2.030 95 192.85
    03:03:03 PM 2.030 20 40.60
    03:00:58 PM 2.030 22 44.66
    03:00:18 PM 2.020 8,000 16,160.00
    02:59:56 PM 2.030 217 440.51
    02:59:44 PM 2.030 25 50.75
    02:59:41 PM 2.020 4,000 8,080.00
    02:59:09 PM 2.020 5,500 11,110.00
    02:59:00 PM 2.030 750 1,522.50
    02:58:57 PM 2.030 21 42.63
    02:58:36 PM 2.030 80 162.40
    02:57:14 PM 2.030 361 732.83
    02:57:09 PM 2.030 21 42.63
    02:55:37 PM 2.030 217 440.51
    02:55:37 PM 2.030 22 44.66
    02:54:51 PM 2.020 4,500 9,090.00
    02:54:45 PM 2.030 25 50.75
    02:54:15 PM 2.020 1,500 3,030.00
    02:54:12 PM 2.030 20 40.60
    02:53:19 PM 2.030 75 152.25
    02:53:14 PM 2.030 200 406.00
    02:53:07 PM 2.020 3,500 7,070.00
    02:53:07 PM 2.020 1,500 3,030.00 XT

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Currently unlisted public company.

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