Oh.. forgot to put the reason icame on tonight.. niice to see aussiebulls putting avq as a buy after today..
and for users benefit:
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:WBpAPfS82sgJ:www.solnew.com/news/national/9982-pmo-apologises-over-statement &cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=au - the retraction was 2 days after your link.
in particular '“The Office of the Prime Minister therefore, would like to apologise if the press statement is interpreted in this manner by the management, Board of Directors and shareholders of Axiom KB Limited, and expressly withdraws it. It also apologises if ever the implication of the press release is deemed to mean that Axiom Mining Limited and Axiom KB Limited are not reputable mining companies. '