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4HR what do you really think Putin is in the Ukraine for and his...

  1. 2,426 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 698
    4HR what do you really think Putin is in the Ukraine for and his reference to nazism is not a first nor was it the Germans who first earnt that claim , why do you think Green energy is so important, why is energy independence so sought after, while it might benefit the environment and climate change really I think most of it is about currency and energy is the biggest dictate for currency and determines who wins the currency war , the USA have been hard at it sent Bretton Woods the strongest currency in the world and everyone traded in it bought it and after all the developed nations have lost most of their manufacturing and they need to get some back or their domestic economy will fail which I suggest is happening right now as you watch the price of houses going up right here in Australia this scenario is everywhere so the idea is to be less dependent on importing energy and exporting currnecy in world markets to buy it , so here we are listening to you bang on about SOI and lengthy delays while the BOD have trialed a process and intend to upscale across a world platform. Well it might fail but should it work and work as well as they have stated I would suggest the potential uptake in a less contested resource will be staggering , have I lost it NO I think I am providing a more balanced view point assuming the process works as stated $HR has a very different point of balance . The UAE will be selling Hydrogen to a world market and using it to genberate elctricity thats the holy grail HYDROGEN but you need enormous amounts of cheap clean energy to produce it if thats achieved and you reduce dependency on fossil fuels you reduce the export of currency and change the balance of power in terms of International; trade thats what LPD is really part of and Li is just the current tech thats available to readily exploit. So am I MAD maybe but hardrock and brine are not the only solutions at least part of LPDs process is already in use they are not using pioneering tech its all known and applied in a strict sequence tuned to the material they are processing , science is not something the reosurce industry have really given much attention to look at FMG and its ore harvesting methodolgy that was a revolution but only in its moining application it was already inuse soLPD is providing a variation to traditional practice thats all. A curious set of planned circumstance and processes that married very well with its chosen processing location and Namibia is full of the base material----------I know though, RIGHT, it might never happen because of the reasons SOI, Capital Required I say if the process works the world will spend the money to get the GREEN PRODUCT <THE LOW COST HIGH GRADE PRODUCT
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