LPI 0.00% 56.5¢ lithium power international limited

LPI - The Next Lithium Producer in Chile, page-2402

  1. 2,641 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 458

    Well yeah, it's in LCE so obviously looks good for spodumene concentrate producers. They are producing a product down the value chain (like GLN might be). There's a premium for hydroxide/carbonate which LPI is producing. Also, you'll find many of those producers up top are using DLE from the get-go so will look way better on paper. Another will be LPI is only targeting 15k/pa on phase 1 and have no ramp up / details on future phases, whereas others will target some enormous yearly production figure and bring the $/t LCE down.

    Essentially I don't think the graph matters much.

    The only differences between GLN and LPI is the stated capex 400vs600, the cost/t 3.2 vs 3.7, and the production/yr 15k vs 20k. LPI is closer to production and has a smaller resource (but I am not sure Lithium will be that relevant by the time LPI has mined all its resource so the grade is probably more relevant).

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