lunchtime summary, page-2

  1. 31,084 Posts.
    kcg down 0.4c to 8.5c lol lol Exciting summary there tas - that said no pilot plant and a plant will have to be build ? more money for KCG - stocko and his imaginery JV friends (so he claims inside knowledge) probably just someone who has brought in excess of 1.2M stock and is ramping it to the hilt - still isnt working as KCG is down to 8.5c then 8.4c - stocko is egging his face more so - ok enough getting stuck into the ramper crowd. Im out should keep quiter about this but it is so fun to see stocko and friends taking some actual losses - and still no annoucement - although a JV annoucement was coming end of Jan (hasnt) or mid feb (we wait in stunted amusement for that one)
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