Lyin' Donald Trump: "There Was Blood Absolutely Everywhere" - You Be The Judge, page-30

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    Donald Trump has made several statements that have been noted for their echoes of fascism and rhetoric reminiscent of the 1930s. Some of these statements include:
    -Trump has referred to his political opponents as “vermin”. This dehumanizing language is reminiscent of totalitarian regimes that used similar derogatory terms to vilify their enemies.
    - Trump has used phrases that “poison the blood in our country”, when he talks about immigrants from the South. This kind of language harkens back to nationalist and xenophobic rhetoric often seen in fascist ideologies.
    - Trump has mentioned that Adolf Hitler “did some good things.” Praising Hitler, even in a limited context, draws parallels to historical figures who sympathized with authoritarian leaders.
    - In a video posted on Truth Social, a platform associated with Trump, the “unified Reich” was mentioned. The term “Reich” is associated with Nazi Germany and its use may evoke comparisons with fascist regimes from the 1930s.
    - In a 2016 interview with NBC's “Meet the Press,” then-presidential candidate Donald Trump made comments that drew parallels between himself and Benito Mussolini, the fascist dictator of Italy in the 1930s.

    A frightening scenario if D. Trump becomes the next US President. As part of the US president's duties is to be the supreme commander of the military forces. The power to declare war and approve formal treaties with foreign powers formally rests with Congress, but the President can send US troops abroad, at least for a short time, without congressional approval. In addition, the supreme military commander of NATO is always a US military officer who reports to the US President.

    Kind regards,
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