LYC 1.30% $7.61 lynas rare earths limited

lynas under 50c, page-109

  1. 581 Posts.


    No one has asked me where l sold today. Where l sold, then where l bought and then when l sold. Or how much money l lost on the first and made on the second. Have not said buy or sell. No price predictions, no real indication of where l am trading, what else l hold, other than l am staying on the sidelines and watching intently. l expressed concern over the amount of ramping in this thread, and how the big fellas control markets and some of the techniques they employ to accumulate which l believe arebordering on criminal.

    How am l costing others money? What am l full of? What is exactly your professed 'opinion'? We CAN help where the markets take us. Dont you see its my point. Yes its an oportunity, But when and under what circs?

    Its not a pity you cant participate any more in purchasing, its your choice. You held. l sold. l bought. l sold. Regardless of what happens tomorrow, lm happy. l stopped buying at $2 when l realised what what going on. l donate more to charity on a weekly basis than l have ever lost on Lynas. If anything im prob a few dollars in front.

    lm not crying. l sold today. And l went to bed and slept whilst you guys sat glued to yr screens.

    As you say, 'go Lynas go'. Might be an up day and l might miss the boat. But l bet l am one of the few who let it fall to under 1.20 before buying and has still managed to intraday trade the stock and empty out at the end with the option to buy in again tommorrow.

    Not bitter! Not burnt! And excited about tommorrow!
    And saying exactly what l think,
    Infact l might even save some heartache during these volatile times.
    Except you and yours it would seem...

    l am not offended by you. l appreciate yr response.
    Its not the money lm after.
    There is plenty. Its how l can do what l do in the first place.

    To understand it is the key for me. That is what l want.
    l didnt realise l was giving away a few of the keys to (their) mint.

    Trade Well

    You wrote c. 12 days ago on a thread initiated by Agros entitled "IS LYC being manipulated?"...
    "whoever is doing it I hope they feel good. this is insane especially with the announcemnt we had on Monday, the SP should be up. in it for the long term."... and

    "the market is being manipulated on a grand scale by greedy traders so they can make their $$$$ with the buys and sells brokerage fees...Sadly LYC is caught up in it. I avoid all the guff, noise and the BS and am holding the stock long term. GO LYC!..."

    Yet now you want to ignore me and are trying to get others to ignore me? Yours has been the most extreme reaction to me tonight. You must be holding a gazillion of em!!! Like the LYCheads. A bundle! Und das macht mich traurig. Fuer Sie. Und allerdings ihresgleichen.

    thanks for that. The air definately feels clearer now.

    Play2win (we all play to win... l love yr handle)
    l am the only 'bitter' poster on as far as l can tell...
    Kengaikl may not have had the courage tonight but others have and l appreciate that.
    l have in no way shape or form suggest that traders do not 'take up the company".
    You agree with Kengeikl that those who suffer losses deserve to suffer.
    You all hold, and l sold.
    So who is suffering?!!! l bet you held / bought in as it fell.
    l bet l have done better than most of you and am is a great position now.
    No wonder l am unpopular.
    But l didnt take a 20% hit today! And a possible opening hit!
    Yet andrea thinks l am small minded (offe3ring nothing of substance herself), mikaj affers little of anything,
    Sometimes it is hard to be humble.

    Telling a woman what? How to get through childbirth? What? (if you are implying childbirth is the worst pain imaginable, which l think you are..... lm not going there. Never my intention. Never Ever. Its a bit like accusing someone of crying and being bitter whilst selling then yr shares at a huge loss. Or accusing someone of being a dead fish when it is only dead fish which swims with the stream. PS yr Collingwood/Carlton analogy is refered to in psych circles as an Oppositional Disorder. And at least you are right about one thing. l guess if not happy clapping other LYCheads
    makes me oppositional, then it makes me interesting. Because in that sense, you are a flag waiving cheer squad. Freakin hilarious!

    thanks for yr post and yr firm adherance to others beliefs that l am high on bitterness. How do you know l do not intend buying again? Thanks for the 'cry' talk. Both refreshingly eloquent and an expressed like an adult. Thanks for your contribution. Very, very generous.

    According to Play2Win, 'mums and dads' are a crass term..... And behind Kengaikl, that is the second vilest thing l have heard on HC. I have also heard them referred to as 'bread and butter', cannonfodder, and the like. (LnyasHeads, by contrast is far less crass and infantile). Facing yr demons? Sounds like to are trapped in hard as well. If so you have my compassion.
    All in good fun? Quite so. And it is.

    My saviour!
    RBRiddick wrote
    "This thread is the best read I have had in ages sitting here chuckling, so thanks."
    Thank you my friend. A kindred spirit.
    Emotions + trading = bad news.... unless you were too silly to sell yesterday and are sitting on a 20% loss plus any possible gap / run down today. Its called fight or flight, not sit and cower. l becaqme fearful. l sold. lm out. On cash, and ready to go today. Are you? Did you? Did they?
    Maybe lm just an emotional guy. Bet lm feeling emotionally happy sometime soon!

    Mums and dads are mums and dads. The hundreds and hundreds who watch and listen without ever poisting and follow you guys religiously. Its why LYC is kept in the HC list so intently and you have a club name and chants and 4wd fantasies and so on. Wasnt there talk of a $12 club? Or my imagination. Will check.
    Mate if l want to research and write a book based on percieved corrupting and manipulative elememts within the Aus sharemarket and its associated players and forums, and in doing so appoint myself a vigilante, thats what l am going to do. So do not tell me l can not.

    So many of you telling me what to do and trying to silence me and the like... its great stuff.

    Finally, No! People (l) am not fatalistic where financial loss is concerned. l sold out well over $2 and resisted till the SP was below $1.20 and then $1.00. l have the stomach for losses. l took one when l sold the last lot. Its why l can buy them back now at prices many LYCheads could only dream of... funny thing is, you write "f you haven't got the stomach for losses sit out of the market until it turns the way you want it." It souns like LYC heads got caught in their own hype (talk about emotuion in trading and calling yourself a Lhead... you may as well marry the stock!!!) and held despite all (more emotive than selling), and apparantly l dont know what l am doing.

    thanks again all esp RBRiddick who made me smile.
    l have expressed my opinions openly, honestly, and with compassion. l have attempted to address all your concerns. Point for point.

    Thanks to those who have been supportive.

    Lets trade
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