I would appear M&G have found a buyer and sold the remaining 12m for $1.56???
04:12:01 PM 1.560 12,796,120 ASX
04:10:32 PM 1.560 8,191 ASX
04:10:32 PM 1.560 10,000 ASX
04:10:32 PM 1.560 1,104 ASX
04:10:32 PM 1.560 986 ASX
04:10:32 PM 1.560 1,233 ASX
04:10:32 PM 1.560 40 ASX
04:10:32 PM 1.560 2,013 ASX
04:10:32 PM 1.560 1,430 ASX
04:10:32 PM 1.560 2,756 ASX
If that's correct tomorrow's trades will be interesting indeed.