Oh dear sweet MMplease give me a chart of my future so that I...

  1. 480 Posts.
    Oh dear sweet MM
    please give me a chart of my future so that I may win at this game,
    win heaps of these dirty dollar things
    by attaching my turn of the dice to the
    ladder fame and fortune,
    then when I win,
    I will send you a 'thank you'
    , mm
    because you and your skills just saved my ar...se.
    And you did it for free
    Where else in the World
    could I find a crazy living on top of a Mountain
    willing to do anything for free.
    And I will also send you a
    'thank you' card with a thousand dollars
    in it
    those same dirty dollars
    you helped me make.

    you roll the dice,
    your turn first,
    then lets see how good you are at this
    Snakes and Ladders.

    Sorry younger people before your computer games old fa..rts played Snakes and Ladders.
    Love to both age groups,

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