Magnetic reversal caused massive climate shifts, page-4

  1. 35,851 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4


    Notice how I agree with the evidence provided by real scientists ? Yes, pole shifts, large meteor strikes etc will have an effect on the planet's climate. Not much we can do about those.

    However, climate change from increased co2 emissions is something we can do something about.

    I think your fellow cubby house member has tripped up here. While trying to muddy the waters he's quoted actual real scientists. Funny how he does that when he thinks it will assist his ( and your ) fake news agenda. Normally he is dismissing scientific opinion.

    Btw. Still waiting for you to back up a couple of your claims .

    The chart showing the temperature increase since the 50's.

    Wind subsidies.

    It seems you are incapable of providing any proof . You wouldn't be bs-ing, would you ? sneaky.png

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