mahatir - what a load of cr@p!, page-16

  1. 673 Posts.
    milesg:re: mahatir - common sense at last For crying out loud - communicating with you lot is like talking to a wall.

    I was replying to your comments not so much Mahatir's (althought its cra@p)

    You said:

    "After reading what Mahatir has stated is one of the most sensible statements I have seen made by any leader in awhile.

    Yes he descrided the victims of Sep 11 and Bali as collateral damage, which is the same way innocent civilians in Afganistan, Palestine and potentialy Iraq have been descrided by the west. He is not justifying the killing of innocent people what he is doing is demonstrating both sides of the arguement.

    "If the innocent people who died in the attack on Afghanistan, and those who have been dying from lack of food and medical care in Iraq, are considered collaterals, are not the 3000 who died in New York and the 200 in Bali also just collaterals, whose deaths are necessary for the operations to succeed?"

    If you equate the 9/11 & Bali with Afghani and Iraqi casualties - you're nuts. One were accidental and the other deliberate.

    And dont pussyfoot around it. He IS saying their the same. If you agree with him, say so! If not fine!

    Sensible? Hardly. Far From it!!!

    It is also hard to dispute other points he has raised.

    "It is no longer just a war against terrorism, it is in fact a war to dominate the world, ie, the chromatically different world," he said."

    Who the f#ck says that's even remotely right???? Just 'cause him and his mates say so doesnt make it right. Not even a little bit.

    And I dont care how many people agree with him. Doesnt make the motivation as he says it is. They need to alter their thinking!!!!

    Like it or not this is the view of a large part of the non western world.

    So??? They all believe in Allah and Buddah. Doesnt make them right cause they got the #'s, now does it???

    Fact is, before Sep11 there was no war on terrorism. Fact!

    "The world is a mess"

    You would be a fool to disagree with this and unless same major changes are made in the west's especially the US's foreign policies, the UN and the Israel/Palestinian problem there is going to be a lot more "collateral damge" of innocent people.

    It is about time that effort was put back into fighting both terrorism as well as correcting the problems that are breeding these terrorists.

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