mahler goes to auschwitz

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    Mahler Goes To Auschwitz

    The German Reich Arises For The Truth

    By Horst Mahler
    [email protected]

    John 8:44 (Jesus speaks to the leaders of the Jews):

    "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it."

    We are finally seeing through the lies, that our enemies have put into the world over us, which are so huge and gigantic, that the uninitiated do not dare to doubt them. These lies live off the gullibility of the Germans, who cannot believe that anyone is capable of such heinousness, as has appeared in the Holocaust-religion.

    It is two events, which will now quickly put an end to the Rule of the Lie:

    1. The publication of the essay of the main editor of the news magazine DER SPIEGEL, Fritjof Meyer, "Die Zahl der Opfer von Auschwitz" [The Number of Victims of Auschwitz] in the magazine Osteuropa, no. 5/2002, p. 631 ff. under the editorship of the former president of the Bundestag, Prof. Dr. Rita Süßmuth, and

    2. the feigned "Attack on America" from the 11th of September 2001.

    Based on new findings in the archives, Meyer advocates the theory, that in Auschwitz, not 4 million, nor 1.5 million Jews were gassed, but that only 356 thousand people - Jews and non-Jews - died in the gas. Even though he is still sticking to the "gas chamber version" - in contrast to the ever increasing numbers of "revisionist" historians, who orientate themselves on objective evidence - he has, with his essay, dealt the deathblow to the dogma of obviousness, that is celebrated by the highest courts of the Federal Republic of Germany. His reference, that the former commander of Auschwitz, Rudolf Höß, "confessed" imaginary figures under torture, points out the direction in which the eyewitness statements have to be critically evaluated.

    The only thing that is now obvious, is that this dogma is nothing other than an appearance of the institutionalised perversion of the course of justice. The judges who convicted citizens of the Reich on this foundation due to "incitement of the people" (§ 130 sect. 3 StGB [penal code]), will shortly have to answer to the Reich Court for assistance of genocide, in connection of deed with perverting the course of justice and high treason.

    The fact that the enemies of the Reich, have forged a weapon out of the number of the victims against our People, prevents pious commemoration, and forces us to loud dissent against the malicious intentions that are being pursued with this forced remembrance.

    It is not only the German People that is felled with the Auschwitz-cudgel. Israel is today massacring the Palestinian People in the shadow of this cudgel. And it is obviously a carte blanche for the Jews to publicly instigate a Third World War.

    The lines, which find their explanation in the introductory words of Jesus (John 8:44) and which, in Auschwitz as well as in the eradicated towers of the World Trade Centre of New York, have a respectively different point of transit, cross on precisely this point.

    For the Jews the Auschwitz-lie and the fictitious "Attack on America" are the dawn of the Day of Judgement.

    Blinded by the delusion of chosenness, the Jew knows no measure - including no measure for his lies. He is now being crushed by their mass. Fiercer than ever before are the Peoples being confronted with the Jewish question. The survival of the Peoples, including that of the Jews, depends on its solution.

    The spirit that is present in the "chosen People" is the existence and there-being of mental illness. In the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" it found an impressive expression.

    In many cases, the reading of these documents is said to have triggered off fear, and even mental aberration and suicide. Maurice Joly, a contributor of texts, and thus in this sense a co-author of the "Protocols", committed suicide. This collection of texts is a masterpiece of Talmudic prose, and in this sense authentic. In these documents Jewish fantasies of omnipotence and the Jewish will to world-domination, go wild in the most comical turns, that the cult of Satan has ever come up with. Dreams, accurately observed reality , and well-founded knowledge of rule, have here entered into an explosive union. The imparting of the rule of money ("money makes the world go round") is described realistically, which is why this work ought to be read by every non-Jew - with aloofness and the certain feeling of the superiority of the truth over the lie.

    Of what nature is the mental illness that announces itself in the "Protocols"?

    Jewish spirit is the spirit of oriental antiquity. For the oriental religion, the world is the arena of the struggle between good and evil (Ormuzd and Ahriman). Light and darkness lie in eternal strife (dualism) - and it seems coincidence, when light and when darkness rules. In Judaism the determination of this oriental form, is the struggle between Yahweh and his People (Ormuzd) against the goyim, the idolaters (Ahriman).

    The concept of development has remained a closed book for this dualistic spirit. It has become a fossil as a result of this. The dualism of God and the world is already surmounted in the anti-Judaic revolution of Jesus of Nazareth, in the idea of the threefold God (trinity), where the world is included in the divine event, and man is uplifted to being an appearance of God.

    The Peoples of Europe, of the continent of freedom, have long since worked their way up to the notion of the person, i.e. in finding of their divine nature, have worked their way up to mutual recognition, and thus to the concept of the right of the Peoples (Völkerrecht) as being the custom (Sitte) of the Peoples. This concept is alien to the Jews. They do not recognise another People as a person (nation) - and can therefore themselves not be a personal People (nation). In this way they are outmoded, in the sense that they cannot live and feel in concurrence with what the European, that has been formed by Christianity, considers to be "that which is normal" . Such an anomaly is recognised by psychiatry as "moral insanity", i.e. as a psychological disease that excludes responsibility - as the existence of a criminal mind/spirit. It is our current misfortune that we allow ourselves to be tyrannised by this spirit. A strange craving to adore the lie seems to have befallen us.

    Read the foundation documents of the first Jewish world organisation, the "Alliance Israélite Universelle", quoted by U. Fleischhauer in "Die echten Protokolle der Weisen von Zion. Sachverständigengutachten, erstattet im Auftrage des Richteramtes V in Bern von Ulrich Fleischhauer", U. Bodung Verlag, Erfurt 1935, [The real Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Expert's Report, reported by Order of the Judicial Office V in Bern by Ulrich Fleischhauer] p. 21 ff.! It says there amongst other things:

    "The nationalities must disappear! The religions must pass! Israel however will not cease, for this small People is the chosen one of God."

    This is after all the reason why the Jews - when they were given the opportunity by the USA - totally destroyed the European right of nations (Europäisches Völkerrecht), and set the arbitrariness of the "One World-Power" - their world-power - in its place. In Talmudic tradition they now call this arbitrariness "the right of the international community of states".

    Since they lack the concept of development, they cannot interpret world history as the "passage of God to himself through the world", or rather, as "progress of the spirit in the consciousness of freedom" (Hegel). Rather, all developments and events are the result of the dark machinations of hidden powers. Yahweh is Satan, who is Ormuzd, the god of light. The goal of his work of sowing destruction under the Peoples, is unchallenged world-domination, which is considered a gladdening of humanity.

    The "Protocols" play a double role in this pathological world-view. On the one hand they serve self-assurance. With this the Jews fantasise the fulfilment of the promises, in the centre of which is the Jewish world-domination by means of money. It must give them a wonderful feeling, to see in the changeable fates of the Peoples, the effect of their hidden High Council with an all-wise monarch at the top. This ritual overemphasis of financial transaction, ought to have an effect on the world-dominance of money, that is not to be underestimated. The money-princes are certainly aware of their power and are at pains to secure and increase it. They do not plan and organise on the marketplace, but in secret. In this sense conspiracy is the norm. But it is not conspiracies that determine the course of the World-Spirit, for HE is free, i.e. in its will it is only with itself, and not the flunkey of the Jews.

    On the other hand, with the publication of the "Protocols", the Jews aim to intimidate the Peoples, to whom the power of the Jews is portrayed as insurmountable and diabolical.

    To let the texts fall into the hands of Tsaristic secret agents, in order to then claim that the "Protocols" are a forgery of this secret service, was a Talmudic masterpiece. In order to amplify the authority and credibility of the plan to world-domination, they conducted a costly court case in Switzerland, in which - as was to be expected - the arguments for the authenticity of the "Protocols" predominated, but where the claim, that they are a fabrication, was not able to be clearly refuted.

    It now at last becomes understandable, why on the one hand, the impression is created that the "Protocols" have punishable - namely inciting - contents and are thus forbidden to be circulated, and why on the other hand, this pathetic effort is available in an unabridged current edition with ISBN number in bookshops. The "Protocols" have not even been included in the list of writings morally damaging to juveniles, by the federal investigation authority - are therefore sellable to youths.

    At this place a word about "conspiracy theories" is appropriate.

    When Jews feel caught, they try to draw up a smokescreen with the battle-cry "conspiracy theory". That is one side of the coin.

    On the other side however, there are many contemporaries who chatter with their teeth, because everywhere they look, they see freemasons and Jewish secret societies at work.

    Both belong together.

    The Jews want us to believe in overpowering Jewish secret societies. It gives them security.

    But real conspiracies - and conspiracy theories used as weapons - do exist.

    The feigned "Attack on America" from the 11th of September 2001 includes both.

    The towers of the World Trade Centre fell victim to a Jewish conspiracy. A historic conspiracy theory has been developed out of its result: namely that Al Quaida is responsible for this attack.

    The conspirators of the 11th of September 2001 - the September-crooks - worked so amateurishly however, that the lie will now fall on their feet and cause them to stumble over it - maybe even each into a gas chamber, onto a gallows pole or onto an electric chair. The latter scenarios depend on whether it will at last come to the armed insurrection, against the Jewish rule in the USA, that high military officials are predicting. The secret of Jewish power was revealed to the world by a Jew, Karl Marx, and with this, the "King of the Jews" was pushed from his throne. He demonstrated the nature of money and recognised capitalism to be a self-steering (cybernetic) system with a built-in auto-destruction effect. It did not require the all-wisdom of the Zadog to establish money as world-power. This happens all by itself, for in this system every money-owner knows what he has to do in order to accumulate more money and more power. The name of the game is: "Each capitalist beats a hundred to death" (K. Marx). Whoever refuses the laws of Mammon - the compulsion to evil - drops out.

    It is only because Jews passionately adore Mammon and because they lack every feeling of compassion, due to their character that has been formed by this ritual, for the victims of extortion, that they, as money-owners, have reached an outstanding position in capitalism. They do not perform the plan of a wise leader, but execute the laws of capital with particular cruelty. There is nothing mystical surrounding their power. And their intelligence is of hair-raising superficiality. The banality of their power-fantasies, as it is laid down in the "Protocols", is far more impressive, than their criminal aspects.

    They do not know what they are speaking of. They do not know what a state is (something Marx did not know either), and the idea of freedom is alien to them. Unable to even imagine the real power of history, they are now - as arch-crooks - blindly approaching their own demise, for capitalism, as a cybernetic system, has reached the point of its self-destruction.

    The end of capitalism is only the end of Jewish power, not the end of history, and certainly not the end of humanity. An end is always also a beginning. Beyond capitalism begins the realm of freedom, which comes to existence and arrives at its there-being in the self-conscious volksgemeinschaft [People's community]. Freedom has always been driving and drifting in German soil. It now - strengthened by defeat - emerges again here. Freedom is not to be confused with liberalism, of which the "Protocols" state, that the Jews administered it as a death-bringing poison to the goyim.

    There is no point in arguing with Jews about God, People, nation, freedom, dignity, honour and self-sacrifice. These are invalid concepts for them. How the concept of human dignity was ruined under their rule, in the dispensation of justice of the Federal Constitutional Court, can be read up on, in the book by the former Federal Constitutional Judge Prof. Dr. Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde ("Vom Wandel des Menschenbildes im Recht", Rhema-Verlag, 2001 [On the Change of the Picture of Man in Law]).

    Ever since the Jews stepped into history, they have enjoyed themselves in the role of Satan. In the Greek translation he is named "diabolos", the muddler. The English word "devil" goes back to this Greek root. An essential aspect of this figure is what the Jew Sigmund Freud discovered in the 20th century and called "projection": one's own wickedness is projected - much like the picture of a film on a cinema screen - by means of vilification onto the person opposite, and is mercilessly chased up and punished on the "vilified". If one's opposite is guileless and good-natured in the manner of the forest-Teuton, then Satan will have considerable success with this method - but only so long until the trick has been recognised.

    The Germans will learn to recognise the Jew in all the negative traits, motions of will and deeds, that are ascribed to them by the Jew. This counts first and foremost for the Holocaust-religion, which projects the fantasy of genocide, that is repeated stereotypically throughout the whole Thora, onto the German People. Couldn't we simply reply with Ovadia Yosif, the spiritual head of the orthodox Jews in Israel: "Yahweh is just. He does not punish his People without reason. Whatever the Jewish People may have suffered in the midst of its enemies, happened in accordance with the will of Yahweh. What are you complaining about? Do you wish to resist the wrath of Yahweh?" This question however has as its condition, that the German People was in deed active as the scourge of Yahweh. But precisely this is to be doubted.

    But the Jew is to be taken out from another hiding place: He is an enemy to us, that is set in our land as occupying power, that interferes with all our businesses and destroys our culture and religion - but we are not allowed to say this out aloud. Every form of criticism of the Jews, that touches upon the heart of the matter, is punished by the courts of the occupying power as "incitement of the People" with imprisonment. They subjugate us under a lethal compulsory belief, as though the Enlightenment never took place: Thanks to Sigmund Freud they know the secrets of soul-murder. The confession of our alleged guilt is forced from us at every possible opportunity. They know only too well, that feelings of guilt kill our People. They want to kill us - in revenge for the fact that we gave an example to the world, how the Peoples can free themselves from the bondage of interest. They are serious about the promise:

    Is. 60:12

    For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, these nations shall be utterly wasted.

    This promise is present in the foundation manifesto of the first Jewish world organisation, the Alliance Israélite Universelle (AIU):

    The other Peoples are split into nations; we alone have no citizens but only brothers in faith. The Jew will not become a friend of the Christian or Muslim, until the light of the Jewish faith, of the only rational faith, will shine everywhere. Dispersed in the midst of Peoples, that are hostile towards our rights and interests, we will above all remain Jews. Our nationality is the religion of our fathers; we recognise no other. We live in foreign lands and we cannot be interested by the changing interests of these countries, as long as our moral and material interests are in danger. One day, the Jewish teaching must fill the whole world. Israelites! Although dispersed over the four corners of the earth, you always consider yourselves as members of the chosen People ...

    The work is great and holy. Catholicism, our hundred-year-old enemy, is defeated, smitten on the head. The net which Israel throws over the globe will spread further every day, and the awe-inspiring prophecies of our holy books will come true. The day will come, where Jerusalem will be the house of adoration for the united Peoples, where the banner of monotheism will flutter on the most distant coasts. Let us make use of all circumstances. Our power is great, let us learn to use it. What have we to fear? The day is not far, where the riches of the earth will belong exclusively to the Jews."

    (Source: U. Fleischhauer, loc. cit. p. 21)

    In an accompanying article in the Archives Israélite 1861, no. 25, pp. 514-520 it states, amongst other things, on this matter:

    "The Messianism of the modern age must dawn and develop itself; a Jerusalem of the new order, sacredly founded between the orient and occident, must establish itself in place of the double-empire of the kaisers and popes. The Alliance Israélite has hardly begun its work, and already its influence can be felt in the distance. It is not merely restricting itself onto our cult, but turns to all; it wants to penetrate into the religions the way it has penetrated into the countries. The nationalities must disappear! The religions must pass! Israel however will not cease, for this small People is the chosen one of God."

    (Source: U. Fleischhauer loc. cit. p. 22)

    In his expert-report Ulrich Fleischhauer elaborates:

    "This programme of the Israelite world-union is precisely the programme of the Protocols, which only contain the details of execution to this. The disposal of all religions, all nationalities, the kaisers and popes, so that Israel can become the sole world-ruler." (p. 22)

    They are robbing us of our religion.

    In the "Grundsätze und Rahmenplan der Evangelischen Kirche in Berlin-Brandenburg für den evangelischen Religionsunterricht an den Grundschulen" [Principals and Basic Plan of the Lutheran Church in Berlin-Brandenburg for Lutheran religious Education in the Primary Schools] (1st edition 1990, unaltered reprint 1997) the goal of learning is set, that the pupils are to "use" the God-name "Yahweh" in class (Lernfeld 2, p. 7). This name is "identifiable with contents of the bible". "The speaking name of God" - so one can read here - "is far superior to our abstract word 'God' as well as to our bleak translation of the name of God as 'Lord'". The fact that we address our God as "our father, who art in heaven" is withheld.

    "The sermons and testimonies of faith of the evangelists", are no longer allowed to be retold "literally true to the text" due to the "murderous effect of the Passion stories with their anti-Jewish affects" (Lernfeld 5, p. 1).

    If things go by the Jews - and in our country, this is currently the case - it will not be permitted to make an issue out of this work of rummage. And yet the issue at stake is the being or non-being of the German People.

    Resistance against the murder of the soul and against the destruction of the spiritual foundations of the West, is punished with prison sentences for "incitement of the People".

    With this it ought to have become clear, that the punitive norm of § 130 StGB [penal code] is not a law of the German system of right, but a gateway for the invasion of Jewish foreign rule over the German People.

    It is time to remember the words of warning, that Prof. Carlo Schmid said in front of the parliamentary council on the 8th of September 1948: The Federal Republic of Germany is not a state, but only "the organisational form of the modality of foreign rule".

    Foreign rule is that which needs to be shaken off!

    The realisation not to be standing in front of German courts, in the proceedings due to alleged incitement of the People, but in front of organs of Jewish foreign rule, will give an ever increasing amount of Germans who still want to be German, the strength to endure and to defy the threats of the enemy. We owe this to our fathers and grandfathers, who fell in the struggle for survival of our People. Their sacrifice must not be in vain. We are also arising however, to preserve German culture and our home, for our grandchildren.

    Perhaps we are the first to testify for the truth, in the form of an open declaration of war against Jewry. Our numbers will increase. In the foreseeable future thousands - in fact, hundreds of thousands - will follow this example. For truth grows wings, when you try to lock her up.

    Sir Hartle Shawcross, the British chief prosecutor at the Nuremberg Tribunal of the victors, who recently passed away, had also joined the ranks of the witnesses for the truth. In a speech in Stourbridge on the 16th of March 1984 he confessed:

    "At the Nuremberg Trials, I, together with my Russian colleague, condemned Nazi aggression and terror. I believe now that Hitler and the German People did not want war. But we declared war on Germany, intent on destroying it, in accordance with our principal of the balance of power, and we were encouraged by the 'Americans' around Roosevelt. We ignored Hitler's pleadings not to enter into war. Now we are forced to realise that Hitler was right. He offered us the co-operation of Germany; instead, since 1945, we have been facing the immense power of the Soviet Union. I feel ashamed and humiliated to see that the aims we accused Hitler of, are being relentlessly pursued now, only under a different label."

    Dams break.
    The days of Talmudic despotism are numbered.
    Truth conquers.
    There was no Holocaust!
    The German Reich regains consciousness
    in the uprising of the German People.

    Auschwitz, 30 July 2003

    Horst Mahler
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