** major warning to all traders/investors **, page-53

  1. 15,984 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 474
    hi volt

    i agree with you there.

    some days when i could be out enjoying life i find myself getting lazy and just sitting infront of the computer, zombied out on numbers.

    kind of tragic.

    as a kid i used to be a bit of a gambling junky, we used to bet on anything...games of pool, horses, those card machines they used to have in pubs.

    one time in my twenties i managed to do my entire dough (and then some, thankyou mastercard) on a game of cards in kathmandu. after that i got stuck in new delhi for a month with NADA, shacking it up with the poor and the junkies in par ganj.

    you don't get much lower.

    but hey, we all bounce back, triumph of human spirit and all.

    the one lesson i learned, everything is transient, especially money.

    good luck trigger. it's written into the rules that the only way we make money out of this game is through other peoples misfortune, so i consider it my moral duty to show respect to those who lose.

    now consider it a blessing in disguise, and go out and live your life...
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