make your own avian flu medicine

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 44
    Your immune system kicks in at the FIRST sign of viral invasion in the body, the thing about elderberry is that it keeps the virus from multiplying therefore, keeps the viral load low in the body, thereby possibly preventing a cytokine storm (when the immune system is sooo overwhelmed with the viral load the immune system goes wild and attacks the body in addition to the virus). The trick to surviving H5N1 (bird flu) seems to be avoiding the cytokine storm which is what really kills people - the viral load overwhelms the lung tissue, the immune system attacks lung tissue trying to kill the virus, and the person infected with H5N1 virus dies by drowning. Respirators/ventilators, fluid drainage via chest tube, nothing helps when the cytokine storm rages - you die. BUT not everyone goes into a cytokine storm - depends on the viral load in that individual's body and how the immune system reacts. More than you wanted to know?? Common sense says keep the viral load low and you will get through the flu alive.
    Why does elderberry work? Well, the researchers found two reasons really. People taking the elderberry were able to produce higher anti-haemagglutination titers to influenza B (meaning their immune system essentially performed better and they now have a higher level of recognition should this "flu" return). And, elderberry inhibits neuraminidase (yes, that is the same neuraminidase that scientists are spending millions of dollars designing drugs against). Zanamivir to an extent duplicates this neuraminidase blocking ability of elderberry, but does not appear to have elderberry's beneficial impact on the immune system).
    Check up on Sambucol. Sambucol is a registered herbal invented and patented by an Israeli company is is the finest available with lab proven results. Spendy for sure for the amounts needed to combat bird flu. Easier and cheaper to make your own with just straight elderberries - the echinacea and other herbs added to the Sambucol are fine in their own right, but not necessarily needed for bird flu, but, again you could make your own echinacea tincture and combine it with your own elderberry.
    Elderberry interferes with the virus' ability to replicate giving your immune system time to fight the virus.
    Fill a qt. canning jar 1/3 full of dried elderberries (1/2 full if using fresh berries) fill the jar with cheap 80/90 proof vodka or brandy, cap jar, shake, and store in a cool dark cabinet for 7-10 days. That's the formula for making any herbal tincture. You can strain it off into a clean jar or just let it sit until you need it.
    Dosage is two tablespoons four times a day for 10 days.
    A quart per person per wave is needed.
    Making your own elderberry tincture would run about $40 for 3 quarts which would be good for minimum 3 persons and it keeps potent for years which might be handy seening as how pandemic flu traditionally comes in 3 different waves each lasting about 6-8 weeks and being 3-4 months apart.
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