making criminals out of honest citizens

  1. 4,758 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 332
    Our nanny state system of fines that leads to drivers' licence and vehicle suspension is making criminals of honest citizens.

    I spent the last year or so overseas. Surfing every day (lucky me) and effectively dropping out of life (fitting in some trading in between).

    Now I admit I missed voting in the State election. It was apparently in March. It was the first time in 30+ years. In fact, I haven't even had a speeding fine in as long. Raised my family. Paid my taxes. I believe I have been a good citizen. The missed vote didn't even rate on my radar.

    Bring on 8 months later and apparently I got a fine in the mail. $88 to which I can pay or attend court.

    Bring on one month more and the fine is now $114 and my drivers licence is suspended.

    Now I have just returned and discovered this all in my last few months mail. I am effectively driving without a drivers licence and have no right to appeal the original fine.

    If I don't pay immediately, my car licence will be suspended, rego plates taken and/or property seized.

    In a few weeks time, I could have a warrant relating to the missed vote, and get pulled over and charged with driving an unlicensed car without a drivers licence. If I had an accident in that time, no insurance, so any damage to vehicles or people would be paid from personal funds.

    If you haven't got the means, this type of enforcement must lead people into a horrible cycle of fines, enforcement punishments leading to further fines.

    Just thinking aloud.

    A frustrated Milesy
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