making the case for a sovereign wealth fund

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    Making the case for a sovereign wealth fund

    They are all related. In 1982 Max Corden, one of Australia's most eminent economists, and Peter Neary showed how mining can shrink other export industries. It is called Dutch disease and works in two ways.

    First, workers are attracted by high wages in mining (though this is a minor factor, with miners making up less than 3 per cent of the labour force). This is happening now, as a weekend in Perth will attest.

    Second, spending resource wealth drives workers away from building cars (for example) and towards building houses. Why? Because we can import cars from abroad but houses must be built here. We like to spend mining wealth – directly or indirectly – on both. This drives up wages, prices and the exchange rate. The car industry eventually becomes uncompetitive, so we buy Mazdas instead.

    This is the market at work: freeing people up to produce things we can't import, such as houses or pizzas delivered to the door.

    Is this a bad thing? It is if the mining boom won't last. When it ends we will want to revive non-mining exports. All the factories, the knowledge and the skills that have been built up over decades will have been left to rust.

    So, what should we do about it? Directly subsidising the car industry by $500 million a year is an expensive stopgap. It is better to increase the mining tax, and save the proceeds in a sovereign wealth fund. This makes all exporters more competitive by lowering the exchange rate, and stopping resources from overheating the economy.
    The first step is to replace the mining tax with a stronger one. On a global stage not having a federal mining tax puts Australia behind Nigeria, not to mention Norway. Repeatedly changing it makes businesses uncertain. Fear of losing the mining industry is overplayed: Australia will still be a well-governed country with a lot of iron-ore, close to the hot spots of global demand.

    Letting companies sell national assets without seeking adequate recompense is akin to renting a house, selling the kitchen table and not giving the owner a cut. Guidelines from the IMF and World Bank agree.

    The second step is to save the taxes abroad in a sovereign wealth fund. This will make all exporters more competitive. Saving abroad means less is spent on construction and hospitality. Those sectors will attract fewer workers from manufacturing. It will lower inflation, letting the RBA cut rates and depreciate the currency. This helps everyone from car makers to aerospace engineers.

    Saving in a sovereign wealth fund has additional benefits: it will insulate Australia against commodity price shocks and share the resource wealth with future generations.

    It may be too late to keep Holden, but it is not too late for our other manufacturers.

    Norway was one step ahead in the 1980s. It was at least collecting oil revenues through the state-owned company Statoil. However, it was being buffeted by oil price shocks and realised that its oil reserves were finite.

    In 1990 it took the second step and set up a fund that now has more than US$100,000 for every man, woman and child. Its salmon fishing, another trade-exposed industry, still exists.

    For the government it is a case of breaking one election promise to keep many. A mining tax and a sovereign wealth fund would close the deficit, reduce the need for industry subsidies, improve the competitiveness of small businesses, provide a buffer against commodity price shocks and save wealth for future generations.

    Australia must get serious about the final years of this boom, and prepare for what happens next.

    China's most recent five-year-plan commits to rebalancing away from commodity-fuelled, export-led growth. So high commodity prices are unlikely to last. Making a few things to sell instead may not be a bad idea.

    Read more:

    "The first step is to replace the mining tax with a stronger one. On a global stage not having a federal mining tax puts Australia behind Nigeria, not to mention Norway. Repeatedly changing it makes businesses uncertain. Fear of losing the mining industry is overplayed: Australia will still be a well-governed country with a lot of iron-ore, close to the hot spots of global demand."

    Just too much common sense for the unwashed to comprehend.


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