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    Archive: 26/10/2009
    Dana CSR RM100j bukti kesungguhan kerajaan - TPM CSR funds RM100j determination of government evidence - DPM
    PETALING JAYA 25 Okt. PETALING JAYA Oct 25. - Peruntukan dana RM100 juta bagi tujuan tanggungjawab sosial korporat (CSR) dalam Bajet 2010 jelas menunjukkan keseriusan kerajaan menjadikan amalan itu sebagai budaya korporat di negara ini, kata Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. - Allocation of funds of RM100 million for the purpose of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the Budget 2010 clearly shows the seriousness of the government practices as a corporate culture in this country, said Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

    Timbalan Perdana Menteri berkata, amalan kembali berbudi kepada masyarakat amat penting kerana ia bukan saja membantu mereka yang kurang bernasib baik malah akan membolehkan negara terus dilimpahi rahmat. Deputy Prime Minister said, the practice of kindness back to the community is very important because it not only helps the less fortunate but will continue to enable the country flooded during high mercy.

    "Perdana Menteri kelmarin membuat pengumuman penting pada pembentangan Bajet 2010 dengan pelancaran dana untuk CSR sebanyak RM100 juta. "Yesterday the Prime Minister to make important announcements in Budget 2010 with the launch presentation for CSR funds of RM100 million.

    "Saya dimaklumkan Perdana Menteri bahawa dana ini untuk kerja kebajikan seperti membantu mereka yang memerlukan, orang miskin dan menganjurkan pelbagai program bagi memenuhi keperluan golongan kurang bernasib baik ini. "I informed the Prime Minister that this fund for charitable work such as helping those in need, poor people and organized various programs to meet the needs of those less fortunate this.

    "Caranya pertubuhan kebajikan boleh memohon jumlah tertentu bagi membantu kumpulan sasaran dan semua ini menunjukkan betapa seriusnya kerajaan mempromosikan CSR dalam masyarakat korporat negara ini," katanya. "How charitable organizations can apply a certain amount to help the target group and all this shows the seriousness of the government to promote CSR in the corporate community in this country," he said.

    Beliau berkata demikian dalam ucapannya sempena Majlis Penyampaian Hadiah Kejohanan Golf Kebajikan Yayasan Al-Khaadem yang turut disertainya di sebuah kelab golf dekat sini hari ini. He said this in his speech in conjunction with the prize-giving ceremony Welfare Foundation Golf Tournament Al-Khaadem which also come in a golf club near here today.

    Selain itu, Timbalan Perdana Menteri turut menyaksikan penyerahan kunci van sumbangan syarikat Nexbis Sdn. In addition, Deputy Prime Minister also witnessed the handover key contribution to the company van Nexbis PT. Bhd. Ltd. untuk kegunaan Rumah Harapan Pertubuhan Al-Khaadem yang diterima Presidennya, Mohd. Houses for Hope Organization Al-Khaadem received president, Mohd. Hussein Yee. AKIN.
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