malevolent shysters are damaging australia, page-17

  1. 48,154 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2

    You posted;
    "Mark Scott justified this leak by comparing it to the AWB/Iraq leaks. So he thinks spying is comparable to corruption. ..."

    The role of the media in a social democracy is NOT to censor material, quite the reverse.

    Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard had to deal with a mountain of fallout flowing from Julian Assange's Wikileaks revelations. Rudd had to deal with these latest revelations soon after he returned as PM.

    The UK's PM David Cameron and the US's President Barrack Obama have been up to their eyeballs battling to work through media reporting on Edward Snowden's revelations.

    So on what basis should Australia be the only country on Earth that censors material from Wikileaks and Edward Snowden? Given access to the internet that would be an exercise in abject futility.

    The media frenzy to find a way through for poor little Tony Abbott by blaming The ABC and other media outlets is just plain pathetic. Indeed; it's exacerbating the already seriously out of control mess that our relations with Indonesia has become on Abbott's watch.
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