Sigh.....I was in love with a park bench once....We met at the...

  1. 484 Posts.

    I was in love with a park bench once....

    We met at the park...oddly enough....

    The moment I saw her I knew she was the one....

    She was on all 4's at the time.....

    As I jogged past I mustered all of my courage.... and said...


    She didn't answer and I guessed she was the shy type.... so I kept jogging wondering if I'd see her again....

    I hardly slept that night I just couldn't get her out of my mind... when I finally fell asleep at 5 am I dreamt of her beautiful curves...

    Next day I made sure I was jogging past the same place at approximately the same time... just in case...

    As I rounded the stand of trees to the clearing where I first saw her the day before my heart was pumping.....

    My eye's narrowed to slits, squinting in anticipation.... knowing full well that the odd's of her being there again were against me..... why would such a beautiful creation be interested in a Joe Average like me....

    My heart skipped a beat when I saw her... there she was.... on all fours again..... she was looking my way....

    I sucked in the gut and pushed my shoulders back as I neared her.... and quickly recited my well rehearsed words until I got within earshot....


    She smiled softly as I jogged past again but still she said nothing.....

    Once again I dreamt of her that night and I knew I was in love.....

    Day 3 and I rounded the strand of tree's again... I had determined that this was the day I was going to stop and have a bit of a chat... and maybe... who know's..... "Please God don't let my courage fail me"

    Yet again my eye's honed in on the spot she was at yesterday - my heart skipped 3 beats when I saw she was there again...

    I started to slow as I got closer, preparing to say my witty line I had thought of as I lay ine bed the night before...

    But something was wrong.....there was a dark shape on her... I quickened the pace thinking she might be getting mugged or something.....

    As I got closer I was realised that wasn't the case......

    My heart sunk as I saw she was in a passionate embrace with a smallish Asian chap who was lieing on her.... in fact it looked like they were making love.... he was screaming something I couldn't quite understand but it sounded like "Help Help - she attack me... she give me splinter and I stuck call 911 pwease Help !!!

    Maybe a foreign language and I lost something in translation ?

    I ignored his excited lustful exclamations and jogged on... I never returned to that park again... my heart broken I quit jogging and took up drinking and smoking instead.....

    Sigh... such a painful memory but so cathartic to share it with you all... I've never told anyone before....

    Thanks for listening guys.

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