man gets nut stuck around penis: , page-26

  1. 13 Posts.
    A football team were getting changed after the match and as they were coming out of the showers one bloke said to another "look at the size of that black man's equipment!" "Wow" he said, "I wouldn't mind a penis like that.""Oh its easy" the other bloke said, "All you have to do is, when you go to bed at night is just tie a string around the end of your penis and the other end to a house brick. Then dangle the house brick over the end of the bed. Do that for a few days and you will end up with a Whopper!"

    A few days later they saw each other and the first bloke said, "well, did it work? Is it large? is it like the black fellow's penis?" "Sort of said the other bloke, its not any larger..... but its gone black!"
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