Look the Jewish question is very very complicated and is highly...

  1. 848 Posts.
    Look the Jewish question is very very complicated and is highly multi-layered that requires much reading and understanding of history. I am not going to go into it here.

    The question is did the bloke involved with the taunts get a proportionally fare sentence. The answer is no doubt "NO". This precedent cannot be supported. The Jews should get no special favors over anyone else. We are all human at the end of the day.

    And as for anti-semite generalizations??? A semite is anyone from that region of the world, i.e a Palestinian is considered a semite. I have nothing against this racial group which is not exclusively Jewish.

    Some 18 year old in the US got 8 years for causing $ 7000 of grafitti damage. Is that fair? Can you just let that slide? I can't believe there were people that supported this sentence which I understand is being carried out. People who support these sentences could one day find themselves in the hot seat for something trivial, i.e you got racially abused and then you racially abused someone back. What happens then? You both go into Jail for a year? Get real!!!

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