Hi JamwolfWhat you have there is one aspect of the "jewish...

  1. 6,721 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Hi Jamwolf

    What you have there is one aspect of the "jewish Question" as seen by the Nazis.
    There are others, even Karl Marx wrote an essay called (funnily enough) "on The Jewish Question".

    Wikipedia describes the Jewish Question as:" The Jewish Question encompasses the issues and resolutions surrounding the historic unequal civil, legal and national status between minority Ashkenazi Jews and non-Jews, particularly in Europe." The first use of the term is in England in 1753.Best to look the rest up on the wikipedia entry, it's an interesting read(there goes the rest of the night!)

    As GoGlenroy said, it's complicated. As I see it, the Nazis didn't just drop out of the sky one afternoon in 1933, there was a lot of history going on before regarding the Jews in Germany. Germany was the first country in Europe to fully emancipate the Jews in 1848(?) with full political rights etc. The ill feeling towards them came about partly as a result of the Balfour Declaration(giving Palestine to the Jews for the future state of Israel by Britain in 1917 though of course it wasn't Britain's to give)seen by many Germans as the payment for certain Zionists bringing America into the war on the side of Britain. It was referred to as the "stab in the back"given Germany's good treatment of them up till then.The economic collapse of the 1920's as a result of the treaty of Versailles didn't help things as starving people tend not to be very generous.
    Anyhow, it's a big story, better for you to do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

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