hi Liliac, the Platinum international ASX listing you refer to...

  1. 3,573 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 171
    hi Liliac, the Platinum international ASX listing you refer to is simply a Quoted managed fund, a feeder fund into the existing longstanding unlisted Platinum international fund. it is an open ended fund therefore it will trade at around NTA like an exchanged traded fund, rather than at discounts or premiums to NTA as occurs in closed ended LIC's. there is therefore no need to "wait and see how it goes after listing". the only real difference over the long running unlisted fund is more rapid liquidity in and out.
    Platinum international used to be a good performer but over the past 7 years has been very ordinary and at times
    underperformed the market by a long way. Kerr Nielsen used to have a great reputation but he looks to have lost his mojo a few years ago. Being a long short manager Platinum international would probably do better in down markets. Performance has picked up this year, but prior to 2017 it had underperformed the market over the past 1, 3, 5 and 7 year periods leading me to give up on it. Performance has probably picked up recently because Kerr Nielson has given over part of the fund's management to Andrew Clifford and Clay Smolinski. Clay Smolinski has done a great job with the Platinum unhedged fund, which I am in. It has done a lot better ( 27% past year and 19.6% p.a over past 5 yrs ) but it is unlisted.
    I do like the Platinum Asia fund and I have money in that. I see Platinum has announced they will be ASX listing their Asia fund also. You might want to look at that for some emerging markets diversification seeing as you already have other global funds such as Magellan.

    I recommend Antipodes. Antipodes Global is also a long short fund but has outperformed the market since inception 2 or 3 years ago in rising global markets despite having shorts and cash. It's run by Jacob Mitchell who was a portfolio manager at Platinum for years. My preference is for Antipodes and Magellan over Platinum international. Antipodes has a listed LIC as well as an unlisted managed fund.

    Perennial are very mediocre and have underperformed for a long time. There are plenty of better Aussie managers out there. I note you have Bennelong ex 20, a good choice. You might want to look also at Bennelong Concentrated fund , a broad cap fund which has done really well over the past 5 years, better than the ex 20.
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