managed funds, page-12

  1. 41 Posts.
    Thanks for all your replies

    That?s really made me think twice about managed funds,
    Next question is does anyone have any recommendation to some ?top quality small to medium sized companies that are making money and paying dividends? ? pintohoo. . . is there a good platform for searching/researching these shares? What are some of the key things I should look for? Can someone give me a example a company described by pintohoo?

    I am more than happy to research but as I am pretty new to the game. . . are these the sorta things to look for?

    Total Shareholder Return (avg annual rate), Earnings and Dividends Forecast (cents per share)

    I am also going to do some more research on LIC and ETF. . .thanks barrelnut

    I have worked for Origin and currently BHP, I am interested to invest in them as I know a bit about their business and have confidence in their ability to perform, however I feel they are a little too stable( I can be a bit more risky). . . but happy to hear any one else?s thoughts
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