Managing our Decline

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    Sometimes it seems Australia is just 'managing its decline’: Peta Credlin

    Thu Jan 28 2021

    The dilemma facing Australia at the moment is a timid government which needs to “reassert fundamental Coalition values” versus a wrong-headed opposition, according to Sky News host Peta Credlin.

    The opposition leader today unveiled his new shadow cabinet with the marquee move being the dumping of Mark Butler in the climate change and environment portfolio and replacing him with former shadow minister for employment Chris Bowen.

    Ms Credlin said Albanese’s decision to reshuffle his shadow cabinet now shows he knows he’s in trouble and that his “position has deteriorated” over summer.

    While the opposition leader has moved around the “same old faces,” the Labor Party’s issue does not lie in its personnel but in its distinct lack of policy.

    “You can talk about ‘jobs, jobs and more jobs’ but you've got to have the policies to deliver them,” she said.

    “That's where Labor is deeply split, between the climate and identity-obsessed leadership, and a voter base with far more bread-and-butter concerns”.

    Ms Credlin said regardless of the reshuffle, the opposition leader is still facing leadership threats from the likes of Tanya Plibersek on the left, and Chris Bowen on the right.

    “I mean about the only Labor figure who talks sense here is the bloke on the outer; the former frontbencher who quit last year, the Member of Hunter Joel Fitzgibbon.

    “To me, Fitzgibbon is one of only a handful who could give Scott Morrison a run for his money. But he's not even on the frontbench, let alone leader.

    “Even if his party gave him a job, they'd never let him have his way. And that says it all doesn't it, because if the product is lousy, not even the best salesman can sell it.

    “Therein lies our dilemma as a country; a rather timid government that needs to reassert fundamental Coalition values, versus a totally wrong-headed opposition.”

    “Sometimes, as a country, I feel we're just managing our decline.”

    I’m not really a big fan of Peta Credlin but in this instance her final two short paragraphs on ‘timid government’ versus ‘wrong-headed opposition’ sums up the predicament in Australian Politics.

    No matter which side of the coin you come from the choice is poor and that is proven by the actions of both.

    It stuns me that people on HC defend one or the other and fail to see that their own rusted on positions are flawed.

    Note this: Peta Credlin is right; we are managing our decline as a country.
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