mandatory internet censorship, page-2

  1. 1,067 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    Disturbingly the Government is abolishing the Protecting Australian Families Online package of internet safety and policing measures and re-branding it as a Cybersafety Plan with a reduction of $37.2 million over five years, including the removal of $2.8 million of Australian Federal Police funding to combat online child sex exploitation and to promote international cooperation.

    Now the $2.8 million is removal of additional funding, not existing funding, but given the rhetoric about how the problem is out of control and the commitment to policing and balanced protection etc. you'd think that the budget policy decisions paper at would show an increase in funding.

    But the Labor government is willing to spend $44m on cleanfeed internet censorship in a so called attempt at protecting children (or is that big business?)
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