It’s hysterical just how Heated you get over a Hot day,...

  1. 28,481 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    It’s hysterical just how Heated you get over a Hot day, Curvy.

    You keep prattling on about just how much smarter and switched on our lab Coat’s are, how our technology is so far advanced today than just a few decades ago and “apparently” our scientific community doesn’t suffer from the age old issue of obsequious behaviour in those who rely on government or institutional support/funding to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.

    I know, your type will always point to any naysayers and suggest they’ve either been bought off by the Bad guys or that they are Loonies who are trying to grasp onto some form of relevance after they’ve blown their careers in the legitimate scientific community.

    You could never entertain the notion that the reason why the few notable and very distinguished scientists who have Stood up above the parapet to call Humbug on the man made Co2 induced apocalypse have done so because they are free from the shackles of servitude to the political masters who control the purse strings of all who work in the scientific community.

    Global boiling for a day in a well known hot spot that breaks a record is nothing more than showing just how fancy the latest and greatest temperature measuring device is.

    Death Valley is a hot place, it has been a hot place for quite some time and if we want to go back far enough.
    It has also been a cold place, a mild place and it has even been underwater.

    If this particularly hot day or so was cataclysmic, can you tell us how many plant and animal species were wiped out because of this event?
    Surely this unprecedented Boiling must have killed off at least one endemic species of that area?
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