Just reading the alarmism here. Who cares. Earth is not dying....

  1. 15,471 Posts.
    Just reading the alarmism here. Who cares. Earth is not dying. If we experience extremes in our lifetime that is because it is not unexpected.

    LOL Relativity.
    idiots carrying on about extrems. you have no idea you overly sensitive midwits.


    And then the link on what I posted. Those animals with longevity have no idea. Everything is relative to the species that has a longer life span.

    Ocrams razor. CO2 follows temperature. Dont be a goose. Go with reality. Not blaming everyone else for your insecurities.

    We have idiots claiming it is BACK RADIATION warming the surface. Then we have a different bunch of idiots telling us that back radiation does not heat the surface but it slows down the cooling process. The fools here do not even know what science it that they follow let alone comprehend or able to explain. They just follow the fear of the day.

    The scared witless and gullible accept statements that are just not science. Supposed science can still not provide observational evidence that refutes all gases retain heat. All gases experience inversion layers preventing escaping radiation and convection. Refute the notion that Water Vapours biggest asset to keeping a Billion plus souls from freezing at night is its Latent heat properties. Which is not representative of the GHE by the way.

    The political driven agenda (IPCC SCIENCE) cannot explain why science has failed to show why a colder object is going to warm up a warmer object. They postulate with crap. But they cannot provide real science.

    Jees I could keep going.

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