Manus Island detention centre inhuman, violates prohibition...

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    Manus Island detention centre inhuman, violates prohibition against torture: Amnesty International
    7.30 By Conor Duffy and Justin Stevens

    Manus Island's detention centre has been described as cruel, inhuman, degrading and violating prohibitions against torture in a detailed report by Amnesty International.

    The centre has been notoriously difficult for journalists to access since it reopened last year, but three Amnesty researchers and translators were allowed into Manus Island for a week last month.

    The report, obtained exclusively by the ABC's 7.30 program, paints a very dark picture of life in the centre for the roughly 1,100 men currently detained at three compounds on the island.

    The most extraordinary claim in Amnesty's report is that drinking water in the largest compound, called Oscar, is limited to less than half a litre a day.

    "In the largest compound... water is supplied through 19-litre bottles," the report said.

    "A dozen bottles a day for nearly 500 men, according to the staff who supply them, or less than a single 500ml bottle per person, an amount that is clearly insufficient, especially given the heat and humidity."

    Amnesty researcher Graeme McGregor visited Manus Island and says health staff at the centre are worried.

    "That's an extremely concerning problem and it's something that was raised by the health staff as well," he said.

    "The men spend several hours a day - some reported four4 to five hours a day - queuing for meals and for the toilets and things like that.

    "They have absolutely no shelter or shade outside and of course you're talking about a tropical island, so the temperature can reach up to 35 degrees. It's extremely humid."
    Manus Island medical staff worried about state of facilities

    The report also claims toilet facilities lack even the most basic services like soap.

    "Most of the latrines had no soap when we inspected them... there are too few showers and toilets to accommodate the number of men in the facility resulting in... unhygienic conditions," the report said.

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