manus island disaster for rudd, page-11

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Abbott and Rudd are having a childish and obscene contest
    to claw redneck, racist and bigot votes off each other to
    win an election. The more horror stories that emerge
    from Australia's offshore concentration camps the
    better chance each leader thinks he has of
    winning, but the more chance of riots
    and brutal repression there is
    leading to more tyranny.

    All I can do is vote Green and
    donate money to help them
    to defeat two monsters:
    Rudd and Abbott.

    Australia is a nation built by migrants and refugees.
    Nobody can make time go backwards to Federation
    when the first act the new Parliament passed was
    the White Australia Act to keep us "British to our
    Bootstraps". Even then it was too late. Gold
    had brought people from many lands to
    seek a better life in far-away Australia.

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