PierogiI have nothing against free speech unless it is...

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    I have nothing against free speech unless it is poisonous. It was Goebbels and Hitlers free but poisonous speech that turned a supposedly civilized, enlightened nation: the German people into murderers- not only of Jews, but homosexuals, the disabled and gypsies. It was the Nazi's free speech that somehow got the Germans into believing they were the master race.

    The fundamental muslims have used the same free, but poisonous, speech to recruit armies of suicide bombers to wage a war on our western society.


    You seem to know so much about what the Torah says and even know a bit of Hebrew: maybe you’ve had me fooled all along- maybe you’re a Rabbi? Shalom to you too my friend.


    Your namesake also thought he had it all worked out, but unfortunately he didn’t and you certainly have your facts mixed up about the Jews having world-wide sympathy after WW2.

    The fact is that when Jews who had survived the holocaust made their way back to their old countries and homes where they used to live, they were physically and verbally abused, in many cases murdered and basically told to go away.

    In addition, Israel is a secular state. It is not run by Rabbis (unlike Iran which is run by the equivalent) and therefore it is not governed with biblical or religious aspirations. So I can assure you Lebanon is not on the agenda for conquest as you suggest.


    Your comment, which I have pasted verbatim below really confirms what I said in my previous post about some of the garbage written on Hotcopper about Jews and I’m not prepared to enter into a pointless debate with you:

    “As for the Nazis trying to liquidate the world of Jews, well they are just old news stories rapidly being demolished today unless one has a penchant to following and a belief of the history channel”

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