marandoo yanner....should be arrested!

  1. 1,481 Posts.
    If this tosser expects to gain any credit with the mainstream Aussie population which he must aspire to if he is to ever ever be anything other than an irrelevant yobbo

    ....he's missed the plot.

    I particularly like that bit below where he threatens that Aboriginals in his far-flung communities will turn a blind eye and be non-assisting

    What a bloody joke....exactly WHO deos he think will be SEVERELY disadvantaged????

    The Aboriginal people will be...thats who!!!!

    99/100 police actions up there are to deal with violence, crime, DV, drugs - all of which are victimising their people

    Yeah...let crime run riot....that'll work...that'll teach the white man a lesson

    Then he has the audacity to say if they dont find the cop guilty - then their system of payback kicks in

    Any cop would do!!!!!

    What a bloody joke?!?!?!

    What about all the victims of black crime who have seen the perpetrator go unpunished or get suspended sentence or no conviction

    - imagine the state of anarchy if there was payback left right and center.

    Now in Townsville he wants to have the men released to go to the funeral

    Why?...cause he says they may not be part of the family but "we're part of the whole community"

    Yet they then say the problems on PI are due to the white man pushing all the clans and groups together and they are tooooooo diverse and cant co-mingle

    Which one is it???

    Someone should lock this jerk up.

    Payback warning for custody death
    By Roberta Mancuso
    November 30, 2004

    AN indigenous leader has issued a chilling warning of "payback" against police and an eruption of violence across Australia if charges against those arrested for rioting on Palm Island are not dropped.

    Eighteen men yesterday faced a north Queensland court charged with offences ranging from arson to serious assault on police following last Friday's violent riots, sparked by the death in custody of a local man.

    The island community erupted in anger after an initial autopsy revealed Cameron Doomadgee sustained four broken ribs and a ruptured spleen and liver during a scuffle with a police officer during his arrest on November 19.

    "If we're not going to get it through white law, we will take it through our own means, through Aboriginal law which has payback," Aboriginal activist Murrandoo Yanner warned today.

    "When someone's killed, someone must be killed in return.

    "If this policeman isn't punished, jailed or charged with murder, under the law, if you can't get one policeman you get another."

    All but one of the 18 charged over the riots – during which the island's police station, court house and barracks were torched – were denied bail.

    Most will re-appear in Townsville Magistrates Court on Monday.

    Mr Yanner warned of deadly repercussions if the Queensland government did not drop the charges as "a gesture of goodwill and reconciliation".

    "There will be great trouble right across Aboriginal Australia," he said.

    "I'm hoping to avoid that, that's why I'm calling on the government to immediately release them and withdraw charges, otherwise we're going to fight and resist it.

    "I can certainly guarantee in my neck of the woods, the lower Gulf of Carpentaria, we will up the ante on the police, we will have a lot more civil disobedience, we will do the Ghandi/Martin Luther thing, we'll just totally be non-co-operative with police to an amazing degree they have never encountered before.

    "We'll have people turn a blind eye ... the police will have no assistance whatsoever in our communities, and if in fact they'll be lucky not to be assaulted and other things."

    Premier Peter Beattie has ruled out community-based punishment for the 18 accused Aboriginal rioters despite a traditional court on the island. He said they should face Queensland's court system.

    Mr Yanner will attend Mr Doomadgee's funeral, which was expected to be held next week after a second autopsy.

    He said Aboriginal Australia was looking at Palm Island with great pride and satisfaction.

    "We look around at Palm Island, Redfern, and go bloody good on ya, one for us. I can't wait until I have my go," Mr Yanner said.

    "Aboriginal Australia loves those moments.

    "They're moments to be extremely proud of."

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