GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

BruceRI am a great fan of both Jim Sinclair and Marc Faber and...

  1. 1,104 Posts.

    I am a great fan of both Jim Sinclair and Marc Faber and do not understand your claim having watched the program.

    Remember Marc Faber had a limited time in which to speak about a HUGE topic and that this could also be coupled with the fact that he was not allowed to speak about Gold that much (before being cut-off by KA) and it was late at night and he may well have just stepped off a plane. He did not appear "drunk" as you say to me but speaks with passion about the issues which he thinks is important to get across. For those who missed the interview here is the link - let others make up their own minds:

    I thought the important issues to note are:

    1. The US S&P is down 40% in Euro terms

    2. The US S&P is down 70% in Gold terms

    3. He expects that the Commodity Boom cycle will continue for some time - which puts Oz in a good place (not ideal as we have too much foreign debt)

    4. We are headed for global inflation/stagflation

    5. The Feds keep printing money and this is covering up what is truely happening

    6. Physical Gold is the best investment and easiest to store when the bust truely arrives

    7. Don't buy your woman a copper ring she will be far more impressed with a gold ring (I can vouch for that!)

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