Yep. I was standing right next to that shareholder and chatted with him before the presentation. I hope he doesn't mind me sharing (if so let me know), but after meeting Yuman at the November prezzo and explaining his sister's case Yuman asked the shareholder to send over the scans and followed up with recommendations after their initial discussion, over and above anything requested. No consultation fee, just out of the goodness of his heart. A remarkable human being. For all of the petty trolls and shareholders crapping on the company, its highly likely you'll be affected by cancer one day, the people that run this company are one in the same with the people that you'd want to be helping you or your loved ones.
Also, Leslie before the event walked around slowly to greet all attendees and thanked them for coming which I thought was great.
I had the opportunity to speak with Yuman, Leslie and Paul, and I am extremely confident in my investment and the direction this company is heading. A deal will come soon, there is little doubt in my mind about that. First Her-Vaxx then the rest. Paul overtly mentioned that he couldn't discuss any discussions that may be taking place.
Paul's opening comments about the share price were done so in a fair and reasonable way. Not combative at all just discussed it openly and candidly given he has obviously had several shareholders contact him. In my discussion with him, he showed empathy for those who bought at 50c and said something along the lines of it must be tough at the moment. But also, for my mind the reality is he nor anyone else at IMU told you to invest. People need to take responsibility for their own decisions here. And if the share price is the only thing you use to understand the company/your investment then you haven't done enough research and again have only yourself to blame. He did mention they are as perplexed at where the share price is at as much as shareholders, ultimately we need buyers and atm biotech is still a bit iffy. He believes the company will be re-rated, hoping sooner rather than later.
Jacob Dupont, is an OG in the drug development space, Leslie said "people work their entire lives in drug development and never have a drug get approved...Jacob has 10 and I have 4, so between us 14 drugs gone to market" The fact we have this calibre of people at the helm of IMU speaks to the teams effectiveness and performance and also to the therapies and platforms.
For those sending abusive comments to Leslie and the team, you really need to grow up. In reality, our issues as investors i.e. trying to get make money for ourselves are trivial compared to the issues the IMU faces i.e. treating people with cancer who will die in months if not treated with something that'll work. Jacob Dupont mentioned that the first time he prescribed chemo for a patient his hand was trembling, as he knew how powerful chemo is. You being down on some of your investment doesn't come close to that so stop whinging.
In Yumans presentation, he said he has found and created a virus that only infects cancer, not only that but it also causes inflammation in the tumour which allows the human's immune system to see it and start killing it. He reiterated that CF33 was created to kill ALL types of cancers...
"any cells that are cancerous...that's the only virus we cared about"... "we discovered that our virus was so effective that a 1000 particles often was enough to cure animals"
"we only started hitting toxicity when they used 1 billion particles of the virus however a 1000 particles is when they started curing animals...this window (between 100 and a billion) is the therapeutic window, the larger this window indicates how promising a drug candidate is....this is an enormous window"
Basically means, toxicity isn't likely going to be an issue.
Yuman mentioned numerous times that our CF33 is the most advanced OVs and that no one else has anything like CF33 & oncarlytics, performance and unique cancer-killing action.
"There is already enough data that I am absolutely convinced that it is as successful in all the ways that we saw in animals. Now we are in the process of proving that, auditing that as FDA wants all that data."
I really got the impression FDA is extremely heavy-handed with everything that goes on. But I also got the impression they have allowed IMU to do things that are unheard of, namely, having dose escalation in two mediums IT and IV but also asking FDA if things go well on early cohorts whether they can add a combo, which Yuman was sceptical about them approving but they did. This is now where the trial has just started combo with Keytruda. Again he the fact that we are opening up new sites and progressing at a blistering speed. The fact we are opening up many sites also means more patients can be treated and also means a lot of oncologists at some of the best hospitals will be seeing the same data the IMU team know and see. I took this to mean we will soon have a buzz around the performance of CF33 in the oncology space. As someone else alluded to, this is already the case among cancer sufferers.
Paul also made a few interesting statements about being taken over, he mentioned that an acquirer would be focused on the individual assets themselves rather than buy the lot. Which makes sense. Another question was asked about a big company buying IMU for pennies on the pound and Paul said they went through this at Viralytics, the stock had been at $1.50 and was trading at 65 cents, and then Merck made them an offer at $1.20 or so and then they hired a consultancy that specialised in life science companies and they recommended to up the price, so they went back to Merck with the upped price and then went to shareholders for a vote. This should add further confidence that lowball offers won't be entertained.
All in all very positive and I couldn't be happier with my holding. I spoke to a couple of other holders one also held NEU and he bought in around 2009 so its been a long time coming for them with their one drug and now shareholders are really getting the benefits, IMU is very far into the journey and tonight's event has instilled even more confidence in the team, therapies and process being executed by management.