WME 11.5% 14.5¢ west australian metals ltd

marenica project namibia new uranium targets

  1. 20,451 Posts.
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    The Directors of West Australian Metals are pleased to report that a number of
    uranium occurrences and new targets have been identified as a result of an initial
    reconnaissance of the Marenica Uranium Project in Namibia. In addition, past
    exploration activities appear to have been greater and more focused than
    previously reported (ASX announcement 19 April 2006).
    • Approximately 32,000 metres and 2,000 holes drilled in the past;
    • Significant uranium mineralisation in four major anomalies covering
    around 7km2 identified by previous exploration;
    • New areas for palaeochannel mineralisation identified; and
    • Strong potential for primary uranium occurrences.
    The Marenica Uranium Project is located in Namibia and is in the same
    geological province as the Rossing and Langer Heinrich uranium deposits
    (Figure 1).
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    EEEPPPLLL 333222888777
    WWWaaaaaaaaalllllllllvvvvvvvvviiiiiiiiisssssssss BBBaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy
    HHHeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnntttttttttiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeesssssssss BBBaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy
    SSSwwwaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkooooooooopppppppppmmmuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnddddddddd Rossing
    Langer Heinrich
    FFFFFFFFFiiiiiiiiiggggggggguuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee 111111111.........
    West Australian Metals Ltd
    The Company recently entered into a joint venture whereby it could earn an 80%
    interest in the project which consists of a granted 706km2 Exclusive Prospecting
    Licence No. 3287. The licence covers the uraniferous Marenica Palaeochannel
    and other secondary uranium occurrences. The licence also covers ground
    prospective for Rossing style uranium mineralisation.
    Secondary Mineralisation – Palaeochannel and Pedogenic
    Past Drilling and Other Work
    The Geological Survey of Namibia has reported that to the end of 1982, when the
    area was relinquished, around 32,000 metres had been drilled in more than
    2,000 holes on the Marenica Project. The work had focused on the northeastern
    sector of the project area where airborne radiometrics, supported by wide spaced
    trenching and pitting (Photo 1) located four major uranium anomalies (Anomalies
    1 to 4, Figure 2) covering close to 7km2. Uranium mineralisation was also
    reported between and adjoining Anomalies1 to 4 within a broader airborne
    radiometric anomaly covering 18sq km.
    Photo 1. Trench from previous exploration
    The four major anomalies were further investigated by detailed radiometric,
    gravimetric and resistivity surveys, and percussion drilling - in places - to a
    40mx40m grid.
    The closer spaced drilling was undertaken to a depth of 35 metres with holes
    radiometrically probed to allow log based grades to be calculated. The
    West Australian Metals Ltd
    mineralisation present in these anomalies consists of carnotite in surface calcrete
    and gypcrete and in palaeochannel - fill sediments (Photo 2). Carnotite and
    phosphoruranylite is also present in weathered granite, pegmatite and schists.
    Metallurgical studies are also reported to have been carried out on bulk
    samples including leaching testwork.
    Exploration work on the project ceased as a result of depressed uranium prices.
    Photo 2. Secondary uranium mineralisation (carnotite).
    New Targets
    Recent prospecting work by the company has shown that outside Anomalies 1 to
    4, the licence remains under explored for palaeochannel type mineralisation with
    little evidence of past exploration activities.
    Extensive surface uranium mineralisation in calcrete, gypcrete and weathered
    basement was observed in the central and western sectors of the licence.
    Published maps do not record these occurrences. Also an apparent constriction
    in the interpreted position of the Marenica Palaeochannel near the centre of the
    licence (Figure 2) could serve as a control for the precipitation/formation of
    uranium mineralisation in this area. Any deposits in this area could be masked by
    recent sediments with little or no radiometric anomalism being detectable at
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    HHHHeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnntttttttttiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeesssssssss BBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy --------- 333333333555555555kkkkkkkkkmmmsssssssss
    KKKKKKKKKaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiibbbbbbbbbiiiiiiiiibbbbbbbbb --------- 999999999000000000kkkkkkkkkmmmsssssssss
    EEEPPPLLL 333222888777
    NNNNeeeeeeeeewwww TTTTTTTTTaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggggeeeeeeeeettttttttt AAAAAAAAArrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssssssss AAAAAAAAAnnnnnnnnnooooooooommmaaaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyyy 333333333
    AAAAAAAAAnnnnnnnnnooooooooommmaaaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyyy 444444444
    AAAAAAAAAnnnnnnnnnooooooooommmaaaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyyy 111111111
    AAAAAAAAAnnnnnnnnnooooooooommmaaaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyyy 222222222
    Date : June 2006
    Anomalies 1 to 4 and New Target
    Areas, with Interpreted Location of
    Marenica Palaeochannel
    Scale : 1:250 000
    EPL 3287
    Existing anomaly area
    Location of visible uranium
    outside major anomaly area
    New target area
    Interpreted palaeochannel
    EPL 3287 boundary
    FFFFFFFFFiiiiiiiiiggggggggguuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee 222222222.........
    West Australian Metals Ltd
    surface. This area, which extends over a distance of 25km, is of high interest for
    future exploration.
    Primary Mineralisation
    Systematic evaluation of the licence area for primary uranium deposits similar to
    Rossing, is also a major priority for the Company. The Rossing Deposit is located
    approximately 60kms to the south of the Marenica project and produces around
    7% of the worlds uranium.
    The basement rocks in the project area belong to the Damara Sequence of Neo
    Proterozoic age. These rocks have been folded and intruded by pegmatites and
    granites forming a basin and dome tectonic setting. This geological and structural
    setting is similar to Rossing where uraninite is the major primary mineral with
    secondary phosphoruranylite also present.
    The pedogenic (soil related) mineralisation in the eastern sector of the Marenica
    licence is reported to follow the outline of dome structures with mineralisation
    occurring as carnotite and minor phosphoruranylite. The extent to which granitic
    and pegmatite bodies and Damaran rocks in the project area have been
    evaluated for Rossing, and vein style, mineralisation is unknown.
    It is planned to initially reprocess any existing radiometric and magnetic survey
    data that may be accessed with the objective of locating structural setting and/or
    lithologies which could host primary uranium deposits.
    Areas of significant uranium mineralisation and radiometric anomalism were drill
    tested over the northeast sector of the Marenica licence in the 1970’s and early
    1980’s. Although exploration information from this period is currently limited, this
    work has defined targets for future exploration and drilling by West Australia
    Metals. Detailed exploration data from past programs will be sourced and
    validated by the company as far as possible. This information, if located, could
    provide an excellent initial database for a more rapid re-assessment and
    evaluation of the project including the advancement of drilling programs to allow
    JORC Code resource estimation to be conducted.
    Additional to the above, the company plans to conduct geological mapping,
    radiometric and possible radon surveys over the licence area focusing on new
    potential targets in the centre and western parts of the tenement. Detailed
    evaluation of the extensive uranium mineralised areas reported as Anomalies 1
    to 4 will also be undertaken. Preliminary drilling may be conducted to gain an
    understanding of the sedimentary sequence and tenor of the uranium
    mineralisation in these areas.
    West Australian Metals Ltd
    Work on the project ceased in the early 1980’s as a result of depressed uranium
    prices with exploration focused largely on the upper reaches of the Marenica
    Palaeochannel system. A large portion of the licence area is blanketed by
    sediments associated with current day drainage systems. This cover could be
    concealing uranium deposits in the western half of the licence associated with
    possible deeper valley – fill sediments and having little or no surface
    mineralisation or radiometric expression.
    Yours faithfully,
    Leon Reisgys
    Technical Director and CEO
    This report accurately reflects information compiled by Leon Reisgys FAusIMM and
    Technical Director of West Australian Metals Ltd who has sufficient experience which is
    relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the
    activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004
    Edition of “The Australian Code for Reporting Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and
    Ore Reserves.” Mr Reisgys consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on
    the information completed by him in the form and context in which it appears.
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