Margaret Hawke and others' Sandfire discovery research, page-9

  1. 13,917 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 729
    OK thanks.

    I believe that Peter Langworthy is of the view that it's vms too. The Ravelstone atop the Narracoota is the key for this area.

    This is from the 24/7/13 RNI ann.

    'The Big Billy Target lies within a litho-structural corridor that is interpreted to extend from the Fortnum Fault (Starlight Open Pit) to the Forrest Gimp Prospect located approximately 10kilometres to the south (Figure2). The key components of this targeted corridor are:
     Significant prospectivity for both copper-gold and gold mineralized targets;
     The defined and interpreted presence of the targeted Fortnum Wedge lithologies (Narracoota Formation) along the strike of the corridor. The mafic volcanic and volcano-sedimentary rocks of the Narracoota Formation have now been defined across the Bryah Basin as one of the key targets for copper-gold mineralisation;
     The identification of a key stratigraphic horizon between the Narracoota Formation meta-volcanics and the overlying Ravelstone Formation, that is interpreted to act as a prospective mineralising “trap”position. This position is analogous to the location of the Horseshoe Lights Cu-Au base metal deposit;
     Recognition of a large-scale base metal alteration signature from the Callies Deposit in the north to the Forrest Gimp Prospect in the south;
     The large number of gold and copper anomalies identified in surface geochemistry and drilling data along theentire10kilometresstrikeofthecorridor;and
     Extensive areas of transported cover that have obscured the target corridor and the fact that a majority of previous exploration has been focused on gold only leaves the corridor only lightly explored.'

    Figure 2 shows locations.

    Figure 3 in the 29/10/15 ann is worth a look too. The 2 Tempests are being drilled now - air core only but could be interesting.
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