margin call, page-8

  1. 3,298 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    The only person who can take responsibility for your funds/investments is yourself.
    Whilst most people don't make the effort to understand how investing works, it is probably one of the most important life skills.
    Most people should only invest in what they understand & in the majority of cases it is probably not shares, but real estate.
    Expecting others to make you a fortune is unrealistic.
    Just remember very few "experts" work for wages at some financial services company. Real experts don't work for wages but do their own think without having to deal with other people's petty portfolios.
    Start to take control of your own finances & remember losing your own money teaches very valuable lesson called experience.
    Good investors over a period of time develop their own confidence in their own ability, but they never stop learning new things.
    PS: Plenty of quality reading & good research are a must, if you want to play this game.
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