"Mark Arbib: otherwise known as CIA Agent 007.Visitors to the...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    "Mark Arbib: otherwise known as CIA Agent 007.

    Visitors to the senator's Wikipedia page this morning may have been surprised to learn his role as Minister for Social Housing and Homelessness, among other portfolios, had been usurped by some decidedly more colourful titles.

    CIA agent, US Mole, Traitor, and US Embassy Hero were listed below the right-wing Labor powerbroker's photograph on the popular online encyclopedia following revelations by WikiLeaks today that Mr Arbib was as a confidential contact of the United States embassy in Canberra."

    The above is what I just Googled up. Apologies if I'm repeating what others have posted - just got in.

    What a wonderful, "stable" Government the crew of 6 lumbered us with!

    We have Rudd, whom the Canberra Press Gallery seem to only NOW begin to admit/allow was a Prime Ministerial disaster, when most Jacks and Jills on the street picked him for a phony at the outset. (well, I did - and I told everyone - but they didn't listen). These well-paid, snooty, heavily opininated biased journalists, who seem to think every word they write or every solemn interview they conduct is a Nobel Prize winning gold piece, it's so "deeply analytical" (Grattan, Oakes, O'Brien, Sales, Tony Jones, et al come to mind for starters), either through stuborness or sheer horneriness at not admitting they were wrong and we were right, are coming to the monumental decision only now after WikiLeaks that all was/is not well with Rudd. THey did the same with Mark Latham. Fell all over him like some saviour of the hammer and sycle, when we all knew he was a dud at the outset too.

    Which brings me to the latest revelation about Mark Arbib. This man is a Senator of an elected Australian political party. Now it's been revealed he is also conducting secret direct consultations with American political leaders, passing on what in many cases must be sensitive information at the least, and conferring secretly with them over the state of the Labor Party, and what they are up to. One then wonders whether the manoeuvering and ultimate sacking of Rudd was at the behest of his American contacts.

    So we have Rudd - unsackable, because then Gillard's government would be brought down. Rudd can now do what he likes - come and go as he likes - virtually dictate his own terms to Gillard, who can never dare sack him. And we have Arbib - allegedly conspiring with the current US Government administration with regard to the direction of political ideology being followed by his party.

    Arbib should be immediately sacked by Gillard, (fat chance), or censured by Parliament, or face a disciplinary hearing. The silence on this is deafening. If it were Alexander Downer who'd performed so badly in Foreign Affairs, insulting most of our Asian neighbours, or a Liberal senator directly conferring with and leaking information to another country's Government, information which would be expected to be in-house Party business, all hell would break loose.

    What a despicable, conniving, desperate, untrustworthy lot! And this is what we were told is "stable" government?? We have to ask is it's direction/agenda being manipulated by the current US left-wing administration? Sounds deadly serious to me.

    John Pilger, well known leftist, said exactly this on radio this morning, alleging Arbib could be classed as a spy. I allege the same.

    BTW - they've just called in the army in Scotland to help with clearing the snow uo there things are so desperate. Mark Arbib - if you're talking to Julia - could you let her know the GW show's collapsing?

    Mark Arbib - Go Between Man.
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