Mark Latham on Kevin Rudd

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    Something similar is happening on the Sunshine Coast, where a 63-year-old man spends his time obsessing about the Murdoch media.

    His name is Kevin, he’s from Queensland and he’s gone ga-ga about Rupert.

    Mr Rudd has become the Edward Scissorhands of Australian politics. Every day he cuts out News Corp articles he doesn’t like and posts them on social media, an online scrapbook of vitriol and revenge. It’s accompanied by constant appeals for people to sign his petition for a Royal Commission into Murdoch, deluded in the belief that this keyboard campaign will produce something more substantial than pitiful laughter in Canberra.

    As a way of life, most of us would prefer the 358 body piercing

    Rudd’s obsessiveness is like watching a slow-moving version of Fatal Attraction. If the Murdochs have any pet bunny rabbits, they need to disable their kitchen stove-top immediately.

    Indeed, Rudd and Rupert Murdoch were once close, in a politically clandestine, hot passionate affair kind of way.

    As an MP between 1998 and 2013, no one in the history of our federal parliament has spent more time courting a particular media group than Rudd.For hours on end, the young Brisbane hopeful would hit the phones pleading for Murdochesque column inches.

    The former editor of Sydney’s Daily Telegraph, David Penberthy, has said it was so bad he thought about taking out a restraining order. Then finally Kevin cracked it. In April 2007 as leader of the opposition, he travelled to New York to have dinner with his newfound best-buddy-pal Rupert, paving the way for favourable News Corp coverage in that year’s federal election. It all seemed so natural, so loving, even before the invention of the LGBTQI alphabet. Rudd was also godfather to the son of Murdoch’s longtime editor at the Australian, Chris Mitchell. He was so close to Mitchell that in 2008 at Kirribilli House he let him listen in to a phone conversation with the US President, George W. Bush. ..."

    Methinks that Kevvie may be deflecting attention away from his family's multi millions.

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