mark latham rips into labor

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Out of politics, Latham now saying it like it is. NO holds barred. Interview with Tom Elliot - 3AW Melbourne - caught some of it.

    Absolutely scornful of his old political crony Anthony Albanese, who in actual fact, Latham claims, doesn't believe a word of what he is spruiking now, re. this smuggler boats huge tragedy. He, and "elbow", says Latham, had a blazing, "screaming", row at one stage over their hugely differing views about asylum seeker issues, when Latham was "in".

    Albanese then of the totally "Green" camp - the absolute opposite of where he pretends he's at now, with his new cuddling up to Rudd, his new "bestest friend. And his title
    Which it seems, allegedly, he too will lie for, just to retain.

    Latham contrasts how politicians behave when they're "in" - taking positions they don't believe in at all - just to win voted and elections. Of course we all know this goes - and no better proof than the current Rudd 180 degree turn about - which he's done solely to try to win an election.

    Latham stated Howard's policy was the right one - and Rudd should never have dismantled it.

    He also places huge blame on Indonesia, not JUST on Rudd. Although he deplores the tragic loss of life now getting hugely prevalent. States Rudd has this on his conscience. After all, he said, these are THEIR boats being launched - NOT boats emanating out of other countries - and THEY should be down at THEIR ports, arresting these smugglers.

    Had to pinch myself, to hear an ex-Labor pollie telling some truths. He had no qualms about labelling Albanese "arch hypocrite" - and said his true belief was exactly identical to that of the Greens, as of now.

    Election, election, election, that's all that drives these hypocrites. Rudd's got a run in the big race, but he'll do anything to actually try and WIN it. For his whole life consists of his own self-aggrandisement, and grabbing back the role he was thrown out of bu his enemies. To that end, he'll do, say anything, politically, just to get himself over the line. Ugly ugly ugly - and totally non-moralistic.

    We, helpless onlookers, no matter how we demand our voice be heard, in the cyncial, rotten, immoral grip of these devious arch plotters - who play cat and mouse with us over an election date - it's always (as with Gillard) JUST, all about THEM - their prospects - their lives. The forget it is US who generate the MONEY - which pays their salaries - THEIR household bills.

    We can go jump. They don't give two hoots for us. And neither does this Governor General.
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