Mark McGowan what are you doing?

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    Australian Breaking News Headlines & World News Online
    Nathan Hondros
    4 minutes
    Premier Mark McGowan's attempt to apportion blame to the federal government over a coronavirus-laden livestock ship has backfired, with Agriculture Minister David Littleproud releasing emails proving the state government was told crew on board were sick.

    On Tuesday Mr McGowan incorrectly claimed his government was given no warning by federal border protection agencies the Al Kuwait had reported crew with elevated temperatures.

    Six crew members of sheep carrier the Al Kuwait have been diagnosed with COVID-19. Al Kuwait seen here docked in Fremantle, May 26, 2020.Credit:Cameron Myles

    He demanded the federal government explain why state health officials only found out by "word of mouth" from a Fremantle port worker.

    On Tuesday six crew tested positive to COVID-19 and were transferred to quarantine hotels, with more expected to contract the virus.

    But last night, Mr Littleproud released an email sent from the federal Department of Agriculture to the WA health department on Friday, detailing reports received from the ship about three crew with temperatures – three days before Mr McGowan said the state found out.

    Mr Littleproud said the emails proved Mr McGowan was incorrect and accused him of creating unnecessary fear in the community by suggesting border security measures had failed without taking the time to confirm the facts.

    "We are confident everyone has adhered to [the protocols]; if they haven't we would be more than happy to to be transparent about that," Mr Littleproud said.

    "It wasn't until the 22nd of May that in fact, the ship themselves notified the Department of Agriculture that someone had an elevated temperature and was showing symptoms.

    "At that point, the Department of Agriculture immediately notifies the WA Department of Health, which it did."

    The email sent to WA Health on Friday states there were three ill crew members on board the Al Kuwait.

    A spokeswoman for the McGowan Government said it was now aware they had been notified by the federal government about the sick crew, but said it was "not responsible for providing any approvals or advice regarding vessels berthing at Fremantle Port".

    "This is the responsibility of the federal government, through Australian Border Force and the federal Department of Agriculture."

    But the Australian Border Force said in a statement it had "received no reports of illness on board the vessel on the day of or prior to its arrival in port".

    In a statement released on Tuesday night, the federal agriculture department said it "was made aware of crew members with elevated temperatures when the vessel docked and immediately notified the Western Australian Department of Health".

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    "The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment is confident that government protocols were met," the statement said.

    It's not the first time Mr McGowan has been wrong-footed in his public statements over the risk of coronavirus aboard foreign vessels.

    In March, he called a media conference to raise the alarm over a cruise ship which he said was steaming towards Fremantle with 250 passengers who had reported respiratory illnesses, suspected to be COVID-19.

    At the time, such a large and sudden influx of new cases requiring medical assistance, hospitalisation and intensive care would have overwhelmed the state's health system.

    But the ship – the MSC Magnifica – denied there were any passengers with respiratory illnesses on board, which was subsequently confirmed.
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