Can you verify your claim that unvaccinated know it alls are in...

  1. 8,220 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 855
    Can you verify your claim that unvaccinated know it alls are in fact the people taking up ICU beds or is your verification based on a mainstream media statement?

    Dan Andrews indicated on mainstream media that unvaccinated people will not be able to enter public hospitals - if that is in fact true and may also be the case in other states, then how on earth can a claim be made that it is the unvaccinated that are to 'blame' for taking up hospital places??

    Further, if 95% of all are already double jabbed and heading for the third, that only leaves 5% who are not. Do you seriously believe that out of the measly 5% suddenly they are the ones making up the bulk of the ICU patients? Do the maths and if you can even vaguely count and understand statistics, it doesn't add up. Additionally, can you trust any numbers brandished about by the media and indeed any politician in power when you already should know they lied over and over - no mandates, free after two shots, no more masks. And the advice to wear two masks, forget sunsets, curfew and such like. Surely standing up will transmit a virus but sitting down won't - great health advice - not.

    Those who are subjected to paying a medicare levy imposed by the federal government are entitled to public hospital care for any condition that a patient might need - but now are there exclusion zones based on some disease??? Anyone refused entry to a state run hospital therefore should be in the least refunded all medicare moneys paid for lack of service. Can you imagine if this sort of refusal were to extend to other conditions that many may be afflicted with - say cancer, aids etc.

    In addition, why does the federal govt not cut funding to the states in case of dereliction of duties should any be turned away for whatever condition??

    Lastly, if a fraction of money was allocated from all that went on and keeps going on to providing more hospitals with more ICU's and stop funding cuts to services the public has well and truly been pay for, then perhaps there would not be such an outcry of blaming the public - whether vaccinated or not. A sick person deserves the best patient care available - it's not happening.

    I recently saw the following picture:

    Perhaps something to ponder on.

    People need to unite and rethink what is really going on - those who still have the capacity to do so. Rewash the brain, the last wash left stains. smile.png

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